Moving a File

  • Hi

    i need to move a physical file from one location to other location.for eg:i am having 1 file 1.txt in c:\test.i need to move that file to d:\test.

    will it be possible through sql server?if possible can you please provide the script to do that.

    Thanks for any quick response.

  • Build the DOS copy command string and assign it to a variable such as @Cmd, then use xp_cmdshell


    DECLARE @Cmd VARCHAR(4000)

    ... build DOS command and assign to @Cmd

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Cmd

  • you could also create a SSIS package to do this, may be a bit overkill but will enable more fuctionality if needed in the future

  • - don't use xp_cmdshell ! unless there is no way around.

    - You could launch a sqlagent job to process a simple "move c:\x.txt to y:\"

    - as already stated SSIS can help you.


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