Page Break

  • Hi

    I am working on SSRS 2000 and i need to page break in my report.

    My report has area code and then location based on area. Now i want to insert page break after particular area and location. EXAMPLE.....

    Area    Location

    AA       897

    AA       897

    -----------------/* THEN PAGE BREAK HAVING PAGE NUMBER

    AA        987

    AA         987


    BS       627




  • Vandy,

    Page Breaks vary depending on format of report. For example exel will create a new page for each page break. However for the most part , you crate your page breaks after each group. If the results for the previous example are in a table then add a group to the tables and put a check in the box to insert new page after.



  • Hi George Carley

    Thanks a lot for reply

    My report has groups but don't know from where i can put a check to insert new page after and the other question is it possible to put page number with it. At present i am using page no in footer.

    Is it possible to put break in XML file?

    Kind Regards

  • Vandy,

    click on your list boarder or top left of your table, then right click properties . This should bring up a dialog box not the normal list on the right. From there you go to edit group. There you should find a box to "page break at end".

    I have found it only possible to put page numbers in the footer because every format pages differently. HTML may have 10 pages for a report the same report may be 12 pages in PDF. If you put the pages in the footer it will be correct on each format.

    I don't know if you can put a break in XML file.


  • Hi  George

    It's Done. Thanks a lot for your help.

    Kind Regards



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