trigger question

  • Hello, I need to develop a trigger for a third party application for auditing purposes. The trigger needs to tell me what all the values were in the row that is being deleted when the stored procedure is run.

    Here are the fields I need to capture










    Here is the store procedue I need to modify

    PrOCEDURE dbo.proc_FeeStudent_Remove

    @FeeStudentId udtId

    , @rv timestamp = NULL OUTPUT

    , @SessionId udtID = NULL

    , @userid udtId



    Declare @PreviousRowVersion timestamp

    Declare @EC int

    Declare @OpenTrans int


    set @OpenTrans = @@TRANCOUNT

    Begin Tran

    select @PreviousRowVersion=


    select rv

    from tblFeeStudent UPDLOCK

    where FeeStudentId=@FeeStudentId


    SET @EC = @@Error

    IF @EC <> 0 GOTO ERROR

    exec proc_Checkrv @rv, @PreviousRowVersion

    SET @EC = @@Error

    IF @EC <> 0 GOTO ERROR


    FROM tblFeeStudent

    where FeeStudentId=@FeeStudentId

    SET @EC = @@Error

    IF @EC <> 0 GOTO ERROR


    RETURN 0


    WHILE @OpenTrans < @@TRANCOUNT

    Thanks for any Help

  • This is just a quick post, but...

    1. create a table to hold the deleted values, something like ...

    CREATE TABLE dbo.deletedValues

    (deletedKey identity int (1, 1)

    ,feeStudentId int

    ,feeid int

    ,StudentId int

    ,FeeDate datetime

    ,FeeAmount money

    ,TotalPaid money

    ,SessionId int

    ,dAteModified datetime

    ,UserId int)

    2. in your BEFORE trigger, something like ...

    insert dbo.deletedValues













    and that should pretty much do it.


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • I was able to create the trigger no problem but when I go to test it causes the application to crash. here is the information getting passed into the delete stored procedure


    @FeeStudentId = '5ec707da-5689-431e-811a-989200180aa6'

    , @rv = NULL

    , @SessionId = 'eecbb7cc-ce12-41d8-9d34-989800926ffc'

    , @userid = '0bb98533-87d5-4681-8e3f-2ff55df7122c'

    here is the table and trigger inserted

    CREATE TABLE dbo.deletedFeeValues

    (deletedKey udtId

    ,FeeStudentId udtId

    ,feeid udtId

    ,StudentId udtId

    ,FeeDate smalldatetime

    ,FeeAmount money

    ,feeStatusID tinyint

    ,TotalPaid money

    ,SessionId udtId

    ,dAteModified udtId

    ,UserId udtId

    ,rv timeStamp


    create trigger feeStudentDelete

    on tblfeeStudent

    for DELETE


    Insert deletedFeeValues















  • the FROM clause must reference the "DELETED" table. This holds the info that is being changed/deleted.

    Also, I'm not familiar with "udtId"


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • Ok I modified it now I get the following error

    cannot insert a non-null value into a timestamp column

    CREATE TABLE [tblFeeDelete] (

    deletedKey int identity (1, 1),

    [FeeStudentId] [udtId] NULL ,

    [FeeId] [udtId] NULL ,

    [StudentId] [udtId] NULL ,

    [FeeDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,

    [FeeAmount] [money] NULL ,

    [TotalPaid] [money] NULL,

    [FeeStatusId] [tinyint] NULL ,

    [DateModified] [udtTrackingDate] NULL ,

    [rv] [timestamp] NULL ,

    [UserId] [udtId] NULL ,

    [SessionId] [udtId] NULL ,


    set Identity_INSERT tblFeeDelete ON

    create trigger feeStudentDelete

    on tblfeeStudent

    for DELETE


    Insert tblFeeDelete


    [FeeStudentId] ,

    [FeeId] ,

    [StudentId] ,

    [FeeDate] ,

    [FeeAmount] ,

    [TotalPaid] ,

    [FeeStatusId] ,

    [DateModified] ,

    [rv] NULL ,

    [UserId] ,


    from tblFeeStudent

  • 1. You don't need..."set Identity_INSERT tblFeeDelete ON"

    2. Change your insert to the following.


    Insert tblFeeDelete

    ([FeeStudentId] ,

    [FeeId] ,

    [StudentId] ,

    [FeeDate] ,

    [FeeAmount] ,

    [TotalPaid] ,

    [FeeStatusId] ,

    [DateModified] ,

    [UserId] ,

    [SessionId] )


    [FeeStudentId] ,

    [FeeId] ,

    [StudentId] ,

    [FeeDate] ,

    [FeeAmount] ,

    [TotalPaid] ,

    [FeeStatusId] ,

    [DateModified] ,

    [UserId] ,


    from DELETED


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • It is now working but the issue now is that when the trigger is called it just dumps all the records in from tblFeeStudent into the tblFeeStudentDelete

  • This is why you use the DELETED in your from clause.



    [FeeStudentId] ,[FeeId] ,[StudentId] ,

    [FeeDate] ,[FeeAmount] ,[TotalPaid] ,

    [FeeStatusId] ,[DateModified] ,[UserId] ,





    this will only give you what is being changed/removed


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • As you can see from my post I am definate newbie but Im not sure I follow your reference to DELETED. I never explicitly created that table can I use the original stored procedure in the from statement?

  • Books online would be your best friend at the moment.  The Inserted and Deleted tables are accessible only within triggers.  They contain the information on the data that has been altered by the statement that made the trigger fire in the first place.

    Inserted will keep the data of newly inserted rows

    Deleted will keep the data of deleted rows


    In the case of an update, the inserted table will hold the new version of the updated rows while the deleted table will hold the old version of those same rows.

  • Sorry for the miscommunication the trigger is working great. The trigger will capture userid and session id when you created the trigger but will make it null if someone else inserted the fee. Is it possible to insert the userid and session id from a different table.

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