Reporting Services changes

  • I went back into a Visual Studio report project today. I have made numerous changes to the stored procedure that populates the report but the name is the name as are the parameters. I cannot get it to run in the Data tab. I even rebooted my machine. This is similar to a recent post but my details might vary so I decided to post anyway.

    I deleted the stored proc and added it back in. It still won't run and until I get it to run here and update the fields (though they haven't changed), the report won't run. The major "odd" thing I put in the proc is that I was creating a table, populating and deleting. Didn't work well for multiple hits so I changed the table to #nisse (which I found on the Internet somewhere). Does anyone think this #nisse--which solved my multiple hit issue--thing is adversely affecting the report?

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.

  • Is it appearing when you run the dataset? It might be that you have changed some fields or condition in stored procedure so that it will not populate data.

    First of all run the sp into query analyzer with some parameter value and try to run the dataset in RS by giving same parameter. It will give you idea what is going wrong?

  • I've done that (2nd paragraph) and it won't run in SSRS. It just sits there. I even deleted that dataset and put in a new one (to the same proc) and I can't get it to run. I didn't change the parameters.

    The big change to the code was I was creating and writing to a table which didn't work for multiple users. So I'm now creating and writing to #nisse which is some native SQL Server way to allow multiple users to write to a table. That and I cleaned up the code (got rid of a little duplication).

  • I can say there is something silly you will find. Make sure there is a parameter in your dataset and give the same parameter value when you run it in RS as Query Analyzer.

  • I've worked on it for days, including today, and I'm stumped. The procedure runs in SQL Server but will not run in Reporting Services--not in an existing project; not in a new project. It just won't run. Any thoughts?

  • I'm wondering if this problem you are having is similiar to the one I'm having?

    I have reports that have run and still run effectively. However if I try to run the report while in the Data tab i get hung up and have to shut the program down.

    Does your CPU max out?

    Have you tried running any another existing reports in the Data tab?

    I'm stumped myself and am close to re-installing.

    I'm operating Visual Studio 2003

    I have a post in this forum, in this group about it.

  • Have you done any updates recently?

  • I upgraded SQL Server to SP2 today in an effort to fix this but it didn't.

    I'm on Visual Studio 2005.

    I can't tell if my CPU maxes out--I don't have to reboot or anything.

    This is my only report--I'm somewhat new here.

  • Hmm....

    When did you install your version?

    I have my task manager(ctrl+alt+del then choose task manager then performance) running while I run my programs. When I try to run a report in the Data tab my cpu spikes to 100. I then have to end the process cause it slows everything else down.

    I have just let it run. It usally take 30 minutes but eventually if left alone my report runs.

    other then freezing up when I "Run" the report in Data tab it freezes up when I try to go to layout tab or preview tab.

    Can you run a very simple report.


    select *

    from your_table

    where your_table.any_field=some_criteria

    If mine is simple enough it does run.

  • Yes, I just created a simple report and it runs.

    I think this has run through any upgrades and as I mentioned, we added SP2 today and that didn't change anything.

    I opened Task Manager (the Data tab has been running for several minutes) and nothing looks like it's taking up a bunch of resources. System Idle Process is going from 81-98, but what's using up resources is taskmgr.exe and iexplore.exe.

    So I doubt if the report is going to finish in 30 minutes, but I'll let it go and see what happens.

    Have you heard of #nisse?

  • #nisse which is some native SQL Server way to allow multiple users to write to a table.

    Ideally you would have to publish your stored procedure here. It is my understanding that by referencing #nisse you are talking about temp tables.

    1. What is a security user you are using in the connection string for the report? Windows? SQL Server?

    2. Do you have the same login/user defined on SQL server?

    3. When you dropped and recreated a stored procedure on SQL server, whom you were logged in as?

    4. If after recreating a stored procedure on SQL server you did not GRANT EXECUTE rights to the user identified in connection string of Report, you will have the problem you are describing.

  • No.

    Given the explanations I'm not sure if it concerns me.

    I don't have any stored procedures.

  • 1. I'm using Windows authentication on the report data source.

    2. I'm not sure about your second question. If I look at permission on the procedure, the owner is dbo; the rest of the page blank. On General, Database is the database name, Server is server name and User is FCB\RHOADESD (server & my log-in). I don't see anything about Windows or SQL Authentication.

    3. Logged in as my Windows log-in--I don't have multiple log-ins.

    4. I've never done GRANT EXECUTE--presumably I do this in an empty window and I can look it up in help but I never changed the user log-on so I don't get this.

  • Are you using XP or Vista?

  • cardgunner,

    I did not answer your problem. Original post is published by gardenlady.

    According to a very brief description of a problem that you are having - it is exactly in the fact that you do not have a stored procedure. Make a separate post with the problem description, I am sure you will be helped in notime!


    Do you know your dbo(sa, for example) login and password? If yes, a very fast and dirty verification that it is security problem would be to change a connection string to use a "specific user name and password". Put there your sa credentials and try to run a report. If it is running properly, let me know.

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