A view with encryption and Schema binding

  • Hi,

    I have a question on database views.

    I created a view on a table "with encryption" and "with schema binding" options. So I can't drop my table and at the same time I can't see the view created on the table. Let us say, if I need to drop the table and I forgot the view name (Becasue I have to drop the view first before dropping the table), how can I perform this action ?



  • you can right click the table name in SSMS and choose view dependencies. This should show you any views that use that table.

  • 🙂 So Simple, Thank you. Is there any other way to find out through writing a query ??

    Once again Thank you very much for your quick reply.


  • You can use the sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities dmv to get information on entities that are referencing your table

    for e.g.

    USE msdb

    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities('dbo.sysmail_mailitems','OBJECT')

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