Query Between value Between to columns

  • Existing SQL 2005 Table


    id (int) key

    PLZ_FROM (nummeric(4,0))

    PLZ_TO (nummeric(4,0))

    Territory (VARCHAR2())

    id plz_from plz_to territory

    2 1000 1110 GD

    3 1111 1199 GB

    4 1200 1211 GC

    5 1212 1214 GB

    6 1215 1216 GC

    7 1217 1217 GB

    8 1218 1226 GC

    now i should run a query, as example with the

    value 1213 and get back only the column with id 5

    other example value 1200 get back column id 4

    also the value from the query should be between the values plz_from and plz_to

    if you can assist me i would be great..

  • Hello,

    Would something along these lines get the result that you want:-

    Declare @plz numeric(4,0)

    Select @plz = 1213






    (@plz >= plz_from) And

    (@plz <= plz_to)


    John Marsh

    PS: You could also code the Where clause as: (@plz Between plz_from And plz_to)

    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • i had forget to declare the value in my sql statment.

    thanks for your help

  • Hello again,

    Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that it is working now.

    Best regards,

    John Marsh

    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

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