searching for specific value within tables

  • Hi guys.

    Im working with a database that contains over 500 tables. I have an web applications that performs various tasks against this database.

    However from time to time I get an error message from the web application saying that it is unable to locate database 20202. In my tables there is column called 'System_DB' In this column is the value of the database you would intend to work with. I have ran a cursor to search and replace every value in the System_DB column with the value that I want. However from time to time I still get that error, suggesting that somewhere within 1 or more of my tables the value of 20202 still exists.

    My question is how can I locate what table(s) and columns this value is coming.

    many thanks. 

  • one question, can only the System_DB column have this database value in it or do you want to look through every column in the database for the 20202 value?

    if the first, I would query the sys.columns table to see where the System_DB columns exists:



    sys.objects o

    inner join sys.columns c

    on o.object_id = c.object_id

    where = 'system_db'

    you could create a cursor to dynamically check the tables from the above resultset where system_db = 20202 and store that value in a temp table to return back to you.

    hope this helps


  • Thanks for your reply.  The value could be in any column. but its more likely to be in the System_DB column. Since that is column that contains database ID's

  • here is a script that will work but may take a while to process. i am sure that there is an easier way:

    create table #tmp (table_name varchar(50), column_name varchar(50), num_records int)

    declare @table_name varchar(50), @column_name varchar(50), @sql varchar(8000)

    set @sql = ''

    DECLARE table_cursor CURSOR FOR


    FROM sys.objects o

     inner join sys.columns c

     on o.object_id = c.object_id


     o.type <> 's' and c.system_type_id <> 61 --non system tables and non date fields

    OPEN table_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM table_cursor

    INTO @table_name, @column_name

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.



       -- piece together the dynamic sql

       select @sql = 'insert into #tmp select ''' + @table_name + ''', ''' + @column_name + ''', count(*) from ' + @table_name + ' where ' + @column_name + ' = ''20202'' '

    --execute the sql statement

     exec( @sql)

       -- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds.

     FETCH NEXT FROM table_cursor

     INTO @table_name, @column_name


    CLOSE table_cursor

    DEALLOCATE table_cursor

    --return the records where this value occurs

    select * from #tmp where num_records <> 0

    drop table #tmp


  • Thanks, worked perfectly. Turned out the value was hard coded into a connection string that was stored in a table.

    Many thanks.

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