Need help from a RS Guru

  • I need to know about the nuances in RS with regards to built-in queries vs. stored procedures.

    It seems clear to me that when multiple reports call for the same queries then stored procedures are the way to go so I do not duplicate effort.

    But once reports start calling for more complex calculations and subtotals and such, when, if ever, is it better to use a stored procedure rather than queries made using the built in query editor?

    Thanks in advance,


  • I always prefer stored procedures, especially for more complex calculations. This isn't even specific to RS, as many of us had the same mentality in the old Crystal Reports days. Even though Crystal had all sorts of functionality, we always tried to handle issues at the backend when possible. It helps in many ways, such as a database move, for instance. Would you rather load all of the reports, and their datasets, changing the db name everywhere you find it, redeploying the reports again once you're done, or do a simple search/replace on the dumped stored procs? The only argument I can see for using built-in queries is if you are looking for a quick and dirty query that works with multi-select list boxes in RS 2005, as they don't "officially" work with stored procedures.

    Let SQL Server do what it's good at, which is manipulating data, and RS do what it's good at, which is presenting the data.

  • "Let SQL Server do what it's good at..."

    That is exactly the "rule of thumb" I was hoping to hear - Thanx Dave

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