Update Statement

  • Hello again guys,

    I am trying to come up with an UPDATE statement to change the "area" and county of the following table based on the post code.



    Site_Num(PK, int, not null)

    Site_Address(varchar(200),not null)

    Site_County(varchar(20),not null)

    Site_Post_Code(varchar(8),not null)

    Site_Area(varchar(6),not null)



    (Site_Num, Site_Address, Site_County, Site_Post_Code, Site_Area)

    SELECT '123456','2 some street','kent','TN12 3QS', 'SOUTH', UNION ALL

    SELECT '123457','2 other street','Essex','CO1 1AA', 'SOUTH'

    What i want to do is run something like


    SET Site_County = 'Kent', Site_Area ='ESEKEA'

    Where Site_Post_Code LIKE 'TN12 %'

    to me this looks like it would work, the only issue i have is that i have a list (stored in an excel sheet) that is 3641 rows and each one would need to be written into this code.

    Any ideas?

    Sam Marsden

  • Hi Sam

    If you have a problem with Excel, tehn you cant you just import the excel into a table and then join them with the current table to do a update 😀

  • a little confused - sorry very new.

    Sam Marsden

  • This is what I would do: create a (temporary) table with postal codes and correct county and area names, and update from there. It will come out like this:

    CREATE TABLE #Counties


    Site_County varchar(20) not null,

    Site_Post_Code varchar(8) not null,

    Site_Area varchar(6) not null


    INSERT INTO #Counties

    (Site_County, Site_Post_Code, Site_Area)

    SELECT 'Kent','TN12 3QS', 'ESEKEA'


    SET Site_County = Co.Site_County, Site_Area = Co.Site_Area


    INNER JOIN #Counties Co ON Co.Site_Post_Code = SCS.Site_Post_Code


    Ronald HensbergenHelp us, help yourself... Post data so we can read and use it: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/-------------------------------------------------------------------------2+2=5 for significant large values of 2

  • oh ok i see the logic there - the only issue i can see is that i dont have a definative list of all of the post codes - i only have the outbound (i.e TN12, BS27 etc..)

    Sam Marsden

  • sam.marsden (3/11/2009)

    oh ok i see the logic there - the only issue i can see is that i dont have a definative list of all of the post codes - i only have the outbound (i.e TN12, BS27 etc..)

    Ok, in that case, change it to this:CREATE TABLE #Counties


    Site_County varchar(20) not null,

    Site_Post_Code varchar(8) not null,

    Site_Area varchar(6) not null


    INSERT INTO #Counties

    (Site_County, Site_Post_Code, Site_Area)

    SELECT 'Kent','TN12', 'ESEKEA'


    SET Site_County = Co.Site_County, Site_Area = Co.Site_Area

    SELECT *


    INNER JOIN #Counties Co ON Co.Site_Post_Code = LEFT(SCS.Site_Post_Code,PATINDEX('% %',SCS.Site_Post_Code)-1)

    Ronald HensbergenHelp us, help yourself... Post data so we can read and use it: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/-------------------------------------------------------------------------2+2=5 for significant large values of 2

  • Added to my last post:

    I don't know the english postal code very well, and also not your data of course. So I only suggest all your postal codes have a space after the outbound code. If this may not always be the case, and the outbound is always 4 characters, you might change the PATINDEX() -1 part to simply 4.

    Ronald HensbergenHelp us, help yourself... Post data so we can read and use it: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/-------------------------------------------------------------------------2+2=5 for significant large values of 2

  • and this would work bearing in mind that the table to be changed had approx 56,000 rows and the post code table would have approx 3500 rows?

    Sam Marsden

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