Number format in SSRS

  • i want to take care of Number if negative in the report showing -123. How do i achieve it?

  • Hi,

    Can you please elobrate your question in detail?

    if you just want to check for Negative value u can use

    =IIF(Field!Value < 0,"do something","do nothing")

  • in crystal report we have number format Negatives as -123.

    if a number is negative i want to show them as negative in ssrs. how do i achieve it?

  • You can use similar formatting style to Excel e.g. #,##0;-#,##0;# in the format properties of the field

  • Hello,

    If you are using VS2005 version then follow below steps.

    1. Go to the cell/textbox where you want to apply this format.

    2. Right click and select Properties.

    3. In the properties window you will have Format tab.

    4. In the format tab place the format you requried in your case it is N

    If you are using VS2008 version then follw below steps:

    1. Go to the cell/textbox where you want to apply this format.

    2. Right click and select textbox Properties.

    3. In the properties window you will have Number tab.

    4. there select the format you want and if you want the thousand indicator then check Use 1000 seperator (,) checkbox.

    Hope its clear and helpful...



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