Reporting Services and Sharepoint conflict on Port 80

  • I have installed SQL server with SSRS, SSIS and SSAS as I am developing a SAta Warehouse. I want to add PerformancePoint and Sharepoint Server 2007. Sharepoint server will install the default sharepoint site on Port 80, so I want to move the Reporting services port to 8080.

    So, off to IIS and change the setting. The Reports and Report Server move, but in SQL Server Management Studio connecting to reporting services still looks for port 80. This can be changed in the configuration tool in SQL server 2008, but not in 2005.

    Any simple answer would be gratefully received and then I can move on to adding sharepoint.

    Many thanks for your time.

  • At this point, is Reporting Services actually running, and you just need to connect to it via SSMS?

    If so, have you tried connecting SSMS 2008 to your Reporting Services 2005 server? That should work.


    Michelle Ufford - Adventures in SQL Tuning

  • I have got a server with a number of partitions running variants of Server 2003 Operating systems including standard, small business server, 64 bit etcetera. I have loaded a variety of roles on different servers and need this to have the IIS role but not to be a Domain Controller. That way I can get the full SQL server Business Intelligence stack to work. This includes SQL server with SSRS, SSIS, SSAS plus Sharepoint, Performance point, Excel and Proclarity.

    I have loaded these very carefully as one false setting and they conflict, hence the need to move the Reports Web Site. The Reporting services integration with Sharepoint tool is the culprit. This causes SSMS to fail when connecting to reporting services. It has to be a setting in a web.config file but the detail of it eludes me. I have yet to get to SQL server SP2 which will integrate SQL Server Reporting and SharePoint.

    I need to get my development running at SQL server 2005 and dare not load SQL server 2008 alongside in this configuration. Thus I cannot load the 2008 Reporting configuration tool.

    I have just got into BI and am building my skills in the hope of getting lucrative work!

    If anyone can tell me which configuration file holds the port number for Reporting Services connections I would be pleased to get the info. Michelle, thanky you for your help so far.

  • Ah, I understand. Unfortunately, I don't have the answer. 🙁

    Perhaps this article would help?


    Michelle Ufford - Adventures in SQL Tuning

  • Many thanks Michelle, I have now fixed the problem.

    Here is the solution to move the reporting services web site from port 80 to 8080.

    1. Go to IIS management and change the port on the default website from 80 to 8080.

    2. Go to SQL Server Management studio and try to connect to reporting services. It will reject the request as it is still trying port 80.

    Read this paragraph from the recommended article:

    If you used the default Web site configured for a specific port, use a text editor to edit the RSReportServer.config file to add the port to the UrlRoot configuration setting (for example, http://example-server-name:8080/reportserver). Reporting Services uses the UrlRoot configuration setting to construct links in e-mail messages that resolve to reports that are processed on a report server. For more information about this file, see RSReportServer Configuration File.

    3. Go to the RSReportServer.config file and add ":8080" to the UrlRoot tag.

    4. Retry the connection in the SQL server management Studio and it will connect.

    I can now load sharepoint to the default port of 80.

  • Excellent! I'm glad you've got it working. And thank you for posting your solution, it's always incredibly helpful for future readers. 🙂


    Michelle Ufford - Adventures in SQL Tuning

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