Replication on Dedicated NIC

  • Is it possible to setup transactional replication between two servers (both SS2K5) so that the replicated data travels over a specific nic?

    ServerA - 2 NICs (10.x.x.x & 192.168.x.x): primary server, supports back-end db for IIS (on a separate server),

    ServerB - also 2 NICs (10.x.x.x & 192.168.x.x), reporting server, will hold the subscription

    I would like the replication to flow from 192.168.x.x => 192.168.x.x

    Is this possible?


    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • hi did you figure this out?

  • I've got Servers with multiple NIC's on multilple vlan's configured for backups.

    NIC 1 - 10.10.0.x Vlan 1

    NIC 2 -- 10.10.9.x Vlan 9

    In DNS I've also added new entries for both servers.

    eg, and I've added a second entry

    Make sure your routing is confiured correctly on both servers....test your routing with pathping.

    Eg. pathping 10.10.9.x , should go over NIC 2

    You can also add persistent routes on each server

    route -p add mask 10.10.9.x(IP of second NIC)

    Hope this helps

  • The initial problem we had was that we could not define a Subscriber using an IP Address, we needed to use the server name (which was mapped in dns to the primary IP address). The proposed solution was create an entry in the HOSTS file with secondary IP for the Subscriber server. Because of other time constraints, we did not complete the project. Sorry I can't provide more information.

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