
  • Hello,

    i as a dba'er am trying to find a way to send a message to all the users at once who are connected to serveral databases within serveral instances. does anyone have an idea on how to accomplish this.

    kind regards,


  • Did you try to use "net send" to the windows users or workstation ids ?

    However, in some shops they shut of this service.

    Or you could query AD to fetch the corresponding email addresses and then use sp_dbmail to send an email.


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  • No i did not try this. i will give it a go and let you know.

    kind regards,


    p.s if anyone has another option it's welcome.

  • Back in the days we used to use this before restoring an EUC database:


    @database char(25),

    @contact varchar(100) ,

    @reden varchar(300) = ' ** reden werd niet opgegeven ** '

    -- with encryption


    set nocount on

    -- Lokale variabelen

    DECLARE @spid smallint

    DECLARE @user char(20)

    DECLARE @message varchar(1000)

    DECLARE @cmd varchar(32)

    DECLARE spid_cursor CURSOR


    SELECT spid, nt_username

    FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses

    WHERE dbid = db_id(@database) --and hostname <> ''

    --WHERE db_name(dbid) = @database and hostname <> ''

    -- Cursor openen en eerste rij inlezen

    OPEN spid_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM spid_cursor

    INTO @spid, @user



    -- Boodschap samenstellen en rondsturen

    if @user > ''


    SET @message = 'net send '+ @user + ' Omwille van [' + @reden + '] wordt uw connectie met de databank [' + @database + '] verbroken. ( Contactpersoon ' + @contact + ' ) '

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @message , no_output


    -- Process killen

    SELECT @cmd = 'kill ' + CONVERT(char, @spid)

    EXEC (@cmd)

    -- Volgende rij inlezen

    FETCH NEXT FROM spid_cursor

    INTO @spid, @user


    -- Cursor afsluiten

    CLOSE spid_cursor

    DEALLOCATE spid_cursor

    set nocount off



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  • Hi, ...

    Thanks for your procedure, i see that you are dutch, so dank je wel. it worked like a charm.



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