Conditional Column Visibility

  • Hello,

    Thanks in advance for any assistance offered. I have created a report in SSRS 2008. I am now attempting to conditionally make a column visible depending on whether there is data to be displayed. However, when I open the 'column visibility' property from the pop-up menu I cannot access the dataset fields, even though I can access them in other places. Additionally. I created a report parameter thinking that I can attain my objective in another way. Yet I am also not able to access the parameter either.

    Can anyone tell me why this is? Is there something else I need to do to access the dataset fields and report parameters in "Column Visibility"?

    Thanks again for your help.


  • Hi

    I haven't tried this before, but I think you can do this. Let's say you want the column to be visible if there is data. You could set the visibility properties to an Expression. Check the data in the expression, if there is any, then set the visibility to true, else false.

    Hope this works! Let me know

    Struggling to find the question?

  • When you click on the Hidden Tab in properties you can choose the expression .There you can give custom expression like iif(parameters!parameter.value=nothing,true,false)

    this gives if no parameter is selected hide column else make the column visible.

    Let me know if you need further help.



  • Thanks for your reply. That is exactly what I was doing when I got that error.

    I figured it out though. Here is the statement that gave an error: =Fields!February.Value = "" and this works when there is no data in the field. However when there is data it returns an error. I had to convert the value to a string to make it work. Here is the solution: =CStr(Fields!February.Value) = "".

    I hope this helps someone else with this problem.

    Thanks again for your attention to this issue.


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