TSQL Progress printouts in a loop

  • Hi,

    why do the print commads and 'Rows affected' printouts appear only after the loop has finished? Is there a way to accomplish the progress prints like desired below? Sql Server 2008

    declare @STARTweek tinyint, @ENDweek tinyint, @sqlstring nvarchar(200), @Year smallint

    set @Year = 2004

    WHILE @Year <= 2004
    Set @STARTweek = 1
    Set @ENDweek = 5
    WHILE @ENDweek <= 10

    Set @sqlstring =N'
    update STG
    Set TuoteKEY = D.TuoteKEY
    From dbo.STG_KIINTIO_VK_vDW STG JOIN DW.dbo.D_TUOTE D ON (STG.TuoteKoodi=D.TuoteKoodi)
    Where VUOSI = ' + CAST(@Year as varchar(4)) + N' and VIIKKO >= ' + CAST(@STARTweek as varchar(2)) + N' and VIIKKO <= ' + CAST(@ENDweek as varchar(2)) [b]Print @sqlstring [/b] execute (@sqlstring)
    --execute sp_executesql @sqlstring

    [b]print ''
    print 'SHRINKFILE(N''STG_VanhaDW_log'')'
    Print ''[/b]


    Set @STARTweek += 5
    Set @ENDweek += 5

    Set @Year += 1


  • instead of printing, you have to use RAISERROR instead to get your ongoing progress:

    --print error immediatly in batch

    while 0=0


    raiserror ('my Progress So far....',0,1) with nowait

    waitfor delay '00:00:05'



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  • jep, works fine, thanks

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