Dynamic Destination Field/Column Mapping

  • Hi,

    Hope somebody can help or point me in the right direction.

    I would like to know if it is possible to map destination columns dynamically.

    Let me explain:

    I have several files to upload with different formats


    abc.xls as 5 columns (version 1 of the import file)


    01/07/2009,Product 1,123.00,12.00,135.00

    02/07/2009,Product 2,125.00,13.00,138.00

    abc1.xls has 7 columns (version 2 of the import file)


    01/07/2009,Product 1,123.00,12.00,1.00,2.00,135.00

    02/07/2009,Product 2,125.00,13.00,1.00,2.00,138.00

    The destination for both files go to the same table (Table 1) with columns:








    I have a table that maps the columns with the 2 versions of these files

    File OldHeader Index New Header

    abc.xls col1 1 Date

    abc.xls col2 2 Description

    abc.xls col3 3 Amount

    abc.xls col4 4 Tax

    abc.xls col5 5 TotalAmount

    abc1.xls col1 1 Date

    abc1.xls col2 2 Description

    abc1.xls col3 3 Amount

    abc1.xls col4 4 Tax

    abc1.xls col5 5 RateAmount1

    abc1.xls col6 6 RateAmount2

    abc1.xls col7 7 TotalAmount

    How can I map the input columns to the output columns


    col5 destination column is TotalAmount (abc.xls)

    col5 destination column is RateAmount1 (abc1.xls)

    I know how to get these values, but how do you map them to the destination table?

    Is this possible or is it possible to map using the Index column?

    Hope this is clear?


    SSIS Newbie

  • If you can get those values, then probably the easiest thing to do is to create two calculated columns: one for Total Amount and one for Rate Amount. Populate whichever calculated column is appropriate and have the other be zero (or nothing).


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Another approach would be to use a for-each loop over the files. Within this you have a dataflow, and within the dataflow you have an excel connection (source) and sql connection (destination). Set the Excel connection to be an expression, also use an expression to set the query from the excel. I'd prob look to alias the column names in that query to the true names in the destination. Doing this, you should get an automapping of columns to the target, by name.


  • Thanks Steve.

    Can the mapping of the columns (alias) be done dynamically via a script or Transformation?

    Reason been is that I would be processing lots of different files with different formats.

    E.g. abc.xls has 5 col going to SQL table (A), abc1.xls has 7 col going to SQL table (A), bbb.xls has 3 col going to SQL table (B) etc.

    I can get the destination into a variable, can I get the alias column names into a variables?

    Thanks again.

  • Do you have *any* column names? ie is Col1 a cloumn name that exists in the data, or more a way t convey to use it's the first column?

    If you do have column names, then you can use an expression to set the query against the excel spreadsheet, and of course, an expression can be a concatenation of variable values.


  • Hi,

    Could you send me the files and let me try...

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