Setting up a SQL Mirror with a backup 24 hours old?!?

  • Hello,

    Everything I have read about SQL mirroring states that I need to backup the principal DB and log and then restore it with NO RECOVERY on the secondary.

    However, our DB is over 26GB in size and is taking around 4 hours to copy over. I was wondering if I can leave it to copy overnight, restore it later on and then setup the mirror later that day.

    Obviously, the principal server will have moved on by then but I was wondering if setting up the mirror would just force a re-sync.

    I am aware that if there have been any further backups on the principal in the meantime, they also have to be restored - however, there wont be any [dont ask!].

    Therefore to summarise,

    Can you restore to the secondary and create the mirror twenty-four hours later once the principal has been working for a day?!!?

    Many thanks.

  • any transaction log backups need to be applied aswell. if there arent any then it should sync when mirroring is applied. you're primary database needs to be in full recovery mode.

  • Many thanks for the reply. It was greatly appreciated...

    There haven't [or won't] be any further backups done on the system since last nights backup, so I have been reliably informed that I can just sync the mirror tonight and it will just re-sync all the changes made since lastnights backup.

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