Ranking question, select ranking changes from 2 most recent

  • Hi All please help if you can

    I want to evaluate the two most recent rankings for each ID.

    My select statement should return only thoes IDs where the 2 most recent rankings are different.

    My Select statement should also return the most recent ranking, the date of the most recent ranking and the previous ranking.

    I want to insert this select statement in my #RankingChanges table; see below.

    For ID A and C the 2 most recent rankings are the same; no results

    -For B they are different, return in results



    ID varchar(1),

    Rank int,

    TimeStamp datetime



    SELECT 'A',1,'2009-08-27 16:18:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'A',1,'2009-08-27 16:15:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'A',1,'2009-08-27 16:11:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'B',2,'2009-08-27 16:18:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'B',1,'2009-08-27 16:15:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'B',1,'2009-08-27 16:11:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'C',1,'2009-08-27 16:18:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'C',1,'2009-08-27 16:15:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'C',4,'2009-08-27 16:11:42.723'

    SELECT * FROM #Test ORDER BY ID,TimeStamp

    CREATE TABLE #RankingChanges


    ID varchar(1),

    CurrentRank int,

    PreviousRank int,

    CurrentRankTimeStamp datetime


    --This inserts my desired reults

    INSERT INTO #RankingChanges SELECT 'B',2,1,'2009-08-27 16:18:42.723'

    SELECT * FROM #RankingChanges

    DROP TABLE #RankingChanges

    DROP TABLE #Test

    I have decided on using my ranking changes table rather than deriving the results from the underlying data because I have a huge number of ranks but very few changes.

  • First, I wnat to thank you for taking the time to provide everything you did in setting up your problem. It really helped a lot.

    Please let me know if this helps you with you problem:



    ID varchar(1),

    Rank int,

    TimeStamp datetime



    SELECT 'A',1,'2009-08-27 16:18:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'A',1,'2009-08-27 16:15:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'A',1,'2009-08-27 16:11:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'B',2,'2009-08-27 16:18:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'B',1,'2009-08-27 16:15:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'B',1,'2009-08-27 16:11:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'C',1,'2009-08-27 16:18:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'C',1,'2009-08-27 16:15:42.723' UNION

    SELECT 'C',4,'2009-08-27 16:11:42.723'

    SELECT * FROM #Test ORDER BY ID,TimeStamp desc;

    with Ranking as (


    row_number() over (partition by ID order by TimeStamp desc) as RowNum,









    r1.[Rank] as CurrentRank,

    r1.[TimeStamp] as CurrentTimeStamp,

    r2.[Rank] as PreviousRank,

    r2.[TimeStamp] as PreviousTimeStamp


    Ranking r1

    inner join Ranking r2

    on (r1.RowNum = r2.RowNum -1

    and r1.ID = r2.ID)


    r1.RowNum = 1

    and r1.[Rank] r2.[Rank];

    DROP TABLE #Test

  • Lynn Pettis (8/27/2009)

    First, I wnat to thank you for taking the time to provide everything you did in setting up your problem. It really helped a lot.

    Its the least I could do.

    This works perfectly. I hadn't used CTE or rownumber so it was also educational.

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