Migrating Reporting Service from 2005 to 2008

  • Hi,

    We are in the process of migrating our reporting service from 2005 to 2008.

    My idea is to redeploy the production reports from the visual studio to the new server and then configure the settings like logins and other stuff on the server. I have a few queries of this approach.

    1) if I use this approach do I need to backup and restore the report databases from 2005 to 2008. What is the advantage of restoring the report databases. Is restoring report databases an optional step for me or I have to do it ?

    2) is there anyhting else I need to do on the 2008 server.

    I have feeling that there is something missing in all this. I have done lot of database migrations across different versions but never migrated a reporting service.


  • Hi Apurva,

    I have not completed a migration myself, but if you are planning on deploying all reports from Visual Studio to the new report server, you would not need to restore the RS 2005 database. You are really talking about 2 different options.

    1. Install SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services on a new server and deploy all reports as new items to the report server.


    2. Follow the migration instructions on MSDN on How to: Migrate a Reporting Services Installation. Using this approach, you will not need to deploy reports from Visual Studio, as they will have been migrated over from RS 2005.

    Hope this helps!

    Michael R.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. Actually after posting here, I tried migrating the reporting service from 2005 to 2008 using the msdn document. I used the approach of installing 2008 reporting server and then migrating the 2005 report databases. I did this on test machine and was able to run few test reports. I will be migrating the production server soon , where i am sure I will face some new issues. I will update this post and let the community know about the issues and steps.


  • Hi, Apurva.

    I think you can do it according to following steps:

    1. Backup the encryption key.

    2. Backup the RS databases.

    3. Transfer the key and database backups to the new 2008 server.

    4. Turn off Reporting Services on the 2008 server.

    5. Restore the RS databases on the 2008 server.

    6. Start the RS configuration tool and turn on Reporting Services.

    7. Reset the database connection using the configuration tool.

    8. Restore the RS encryption key.

    9. Open a new query to the ReportServer database on the old and new server.

    10. On the old server, run 'select * from ReportServer.dbo.Keys' and make note of the InstallationId value for the non-null record (this record will also have the server's name in the MachineName field).

    11. On the new server, run 'select * from ReportServer.dbo.Keys' and you should see 3 records. One null record, and 2 records that have values in the MachineName field (these should be the old and new server names). The InstallationId value from step #10 should be in there with the old server's name.

    12. On the new server, delete the record that matches the old server's InstallationId.

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