SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure Permissions

  • On a development server, we have users who need to be able to modify, execute and view properties of stored procedures. I have tried combinations of permissions such as Alter, Control and View but when they try to view the properties, they receive the following error message:

    Property Default Schema is not available for Database "[database_name]". This property may not exist for the object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights.

    Is there some combination aside from sysadmin that allows viewing stored procedure properties?

  • Generally, SPs need to be given EXEC permission for those who need to run the SPs.

    For this, permission will be provided after creating / altering the SPs like


    - Here PUBLIC can be used to provide EXEC permission to ALL who have access permission to the DB / Server.

    You can give the specific permission for the User using:



  • First of all I think you will get better response if you post a 2005 question in the appropriate forum.

    Now to your question. There are a couple od roles which by default can view properties of a stored procedure. Sysadmin will work, but is total overkill. db_owner or ddl_admin would be a much better choice.

    GRANT VIEW DEFINITION will also work.

    But keep in mind that it's not possible to grant any this permission on one specific procedure. The grantee will be able to see definition and properties of all database objects.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Moved to SS2005 forum

    I tend to agree with Markus' advice.

    Don't grant this advice to public, however, create your own role.

  • I think even a db_owner is an overkill.

    What I would suggest is to create a Role with the ddl_Admin as the rights to that particular DB and add the developers who need access to compile Stored procs to that role.

    If I was in your shoes, I would never give a Developer access to even read data (forget compiling Stored proc :exclamationmark: ) to a developer in the production Environment.


  • I agree, they will have view only access to any production objects.

    It has been difficult finding the right balance to allow development and debugging without giving too much permission. Thank you for responding!


  • Even db_ddladmin is overkill.

    Grant CREATE PROC to a role. Put developers in that role.

    Grant ALTER SCHEMA on the schema(s) that the developers need to modify stored procedures in to the role.

    Grant VIEW DEFINITION on the schema(s) that the developers need to modify stored procedures in to the role.

    See if that does the job.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Brian, I like this way better than my idea..:-)


  • Easy way to give users/developers view permission to Stored Procedures in SQL 2005:

    USE AdventureWorks


    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_ExecGrantViewDefinition

    (@login VARCHAR(30))



    Included Object Types are:

    P - Stored Procedure

    V - View

    FN - SQL scalar-function

    TR - Trigger

    IF - SQL inlined table-valued function

    TF - SQL table-valued function

    U - Table (user-defined)




    (runSQL VARCHAR(2000) NOT NULL)

    --Declare @execSQL varchar(2000), @login varchar(30), @space char (1), @TO char (2)

    DECLARE @execSQL VARCHAR(2000), @space CHAR (1), @TO CHAR (2)

    SET @to = 'TO'

    SET @execSQL = 'Grant View Definition ON '

    SET @login = REPLACE(REPLACE (@login, '[', ''), ']', '')

    SET @login = '[' + @login + ']'

    SET @space = ' '


    SELECT @execSQL + schema_name(schema_id) + '.' + [name] + @space + @TO + @space + @login

    FROM sys.all_objects s

    WHERE type IN ('P', 'V', 'FN', 'TR', 'IF', 'TF', 'U')

    AND is_ms_shipped = 0

    ORDER BY s.type, s.name

    SET @execSQL = ''



    SELECT @execSQL = runSQL FROM #runSQL

    PRINT @execSQL --Comment out if you don't want to see the output

    EXEC (@execSQL)



    GOTO Execute_SQL




    Once this procedure has been created you can grant the permissions as follows.

    This example grants view definition to a user "XYZ" in "Adventureworks" Database for all object types that were selected.

    USE Adventureworks


    EXEC usp_ExecGrantViewDefinition 'XYZ'


    [font=Arial]Prakash Bhojegowda MCSE, MCSA (SQL2012)[/font]

  • In SQL Server 2005 you can define the execution context of the following user-defined modules: functions (except inline table-valued functions), procedures, queues


    Download Microsoft 2010 [/url]

  • -- Create a new role

    CREATE ROLE SP_Fn_executor

    -- Grant execute to the created role

    GRANT EXECUTE TO SP_Fn_executor

    The above statement would create a role and grant execute permission on all existing stored procedures and scalar functions.

    And as when we create new ones the permission would automatically be given to the Role.

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