Can you password protect an RDL file or report?

  • I written for a report for some execs and they want me to password protect it.

    Is this possible? I'm using Visual Studio 2005 as my BI development

  • Dang it I figure it out.

    Basically you can set the visibility property of an object like a chart or list or table or etc to hide if the password is wrong

    create a parameter called password

    throw this in the visibility-->hide :


    for things u want to hide if wrong password

    for things you want to display if wrong password (like a text box saying access denied)


  • Hi

    you can do it by many wayes

    1)hide the report from menu

    2)Ask password on clicking of the report menu

    3)in the report you can give him a box to enter password

  • Easiest way to secure SSRS Reports is to set the security of the report on the report server.

    Call Up the report

    Click on the properties tab

    Click on the security menu option on the left

    Click on Edit Item Security and remove the inherited permissions

    Delete all the roles that are not required to see the report

    Click on New Role Assignment

    Add in the domain user(s) or Security Group(s) that do need to view the report with a role of Browser

    Click OK

    From here on only the users in the security list will be able to even see the report in the list let attempt to run it.


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