LEFT function not working

  • Hello -

    What is not right below? I am trying to pull a data from another table where 'Inncode' from tblOTSOrder = first 5 character from 'Site_Id' from tblSRO378.




    FROM tblOTSOrder

    INNER JOIN tblSRO378

    ON tblOTSOrder.InnCode = tblSRO378.left(Site_ID,5)

  • businessintelligence2010 (6/22/2009)

    Hello -

    What is not right below? I am trying to pull a data from another table where 'Inncode' from tblOTSOrder = first 5 character from 'Site_Id' from tblSRO378.




    FROM tblOTSOrder

    INNER JOIN tblSRO378

    ON tblOTSOrder.InnCode = tblSRO378.left(Site_ID,5)

    Should be:






    INNER JOIN tblSRO378

    ON tblOTSOrder.InnCode = left(tblSRO378.Site_ID,5)

  • Thank you..but I get the following error:

    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Order'.

  • Is Order the name of a column in the table? If so, put brackets around it, like this:

    tablealias.[Order] -- Please note, I didn't use yout table name, short term memory isn't what it use to be

  • Thank you very much...after tweaking few col names, it worked!! Appreciate your time.

  • Lynn - One more q's for you. I need to add data from third table now. I need the following code to include in existing code so that I can get the result as a third column in my output.




    from HotelMstr

    inner join tblHoteltype

    on HotelMstr.brand = tblHoteltype.hoteltype

  • NEI, Not Enough Information. At this point, please read the first article I have referenced below regarding asking for assistance. Without knowing the table definitions and how the four tables are related I can't answer your question from the short code snippets provided.

  • Thanks Lynn for the links. I will try my best to explain it better.

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