Log shipping Alert Job Failed

  • Hi Experts,

    I'm getting the following error for my Log Shipping Alert job in secondary server.

    The log shipping primary database Server_1.database_1 has backup threshold of 60 minutes and has not performed a backup log operation for 1778 minutes.(Error 14420)

    The job runs every 2 mins.

    I noticed that the table log_shipping_monitor_primary in secondary server is not updated.

    Can you please tel me how can i update the table or is it because any other issue.

    I also noticed that there is time difference of 15 sec between the servers, will this be an issue.

    Please help....

    Tanx 😀

  • Here is a thread with someshing like yours: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/sqldatabaseengine/thread/71b42397-b751-4aee-8193-8fb82db6472f/[/url]


    Paul Svirin

    StarWind Software developer ( http://www.starwindsoftware.com )

  • OK - so log shipping copies (ships) transaction Logs from one server to another. The error is telling you that there are no transaction logs to copy on the source database.

    So it looks like the source database is not performing Transaction log backups so there is nothing for the Log Shippnig process to "ship".

    Check you Transaction Log Backup job on the source server - is it working? is it backing up to a different location? has someone changed the source database to SIMPLE recovery? These are all thigns to check but at the end of teh day you need tLog backups in the location that the Logging Shipping job is expecting them.

    Hope this makes sense!

    S C Penguin

  • Hi,

    Backup and copy jobs as well as the restore jobs are working fine.

    Only the alert job is failing.

    Tanx 😀

  • Was there any change done in sql service account password on any of the server involved in log shipping?


  • What is the output from the SQL below when run on the primary server? This should give the last 10 log file backups.

    On the primary server, what is the time stamp of the last TLog backup file to be created.

    On the secondary server, what is the time stamp of the last TLog backup file to be copied over?

    What is the time ?

    use msdb


    select top 10 * from dbo.backupset

    where name = '<db name>'

    and type = 'L'

    order by backup_set_id desc


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