(sql2008) Help dereferencing VIEWS into base tables and columns

  • I have inherited a data mart with wide rows and we will soon migrate to 2008. Some tables are so wide that only 2 rows fit into one page.

    I am convinced that I can split those tables into subject (sub-)tables. The easiest way to do that is to take the SP's that our customers use for their reports and find out what tables and columns they use:

    SELECT e.referenced_schema_name,

    e.referenced_entity_name ,









    FROM sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities ('dbo.sp1', 'OBJECT') e

    left outer join sys.objects o

    on e.referenced_id=o.object_id

    left outer join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS c

    on c.TABLE_SCHEMA=e.referenced_schema_name

    and c.TABLE_NAME=e.referenced_entity_name

    and c.COLUMN_NAME=e.referenced_minor_name;

    Does that trick easily.

    Now the problem. we use views for several reasons and what I can get is the base tables names and their column names.

    select * from information_schema.view_column_usage

    where view_name='v1'

    What I also get is the column names for the views:


    where TABLE_NAME='v1'

    Where I am at loss is the missing link to associate the column name of the view to the object name and column name of the underlying view of table.

    I am stuck but I am sure that there MUST be a way to link those two domains together.

    Any help and if it is only ideas thar could help me go further would be great!

  • To build the bogus example to document my problem:

    create table t1 ( c1 int, c2 int, c3 varchar(12));

    create table /*guentis.*/ t2 ( c1 int, c2 int, c3 varchar(12));

    insert into t1 values (1,1,'1:1');

    insert into t1 values (2,1,'2:1');

    insert into t1 values (3,1,'3:1');

    insert into t1 values (4,1,'4.1');

    insert into /* guentis.*/ t2 values (1,2,'1:2');

    insert into /* guentis.*/ t2 values (2,2,'2:2');

    insert into /* guentis.*/ t2 values (3,2,'3:2');

    insert into /* guentis.*/ t2 values (4,2,'4.2');

    create view v1 (

    t1c1 , t2c1

    , t1c2 , t2c2

    , t1c3 , t2c3

    ) as


    a.c1 , b.c1 ,

    a.c2 , b.c2 ,

    a.c3 , b.c3

    from t1 as a

    join /*guentis.*/t2 as b

    on a.c1=b.c1


    create procedure sp1 @k1 int,@r1 int output



    select @r1=SUM(a.X)

    from (

    select c.t1c2+d.t2c2 as x

    from v1 as c

    join v1 as d

    on c.t1c1=d.t2c1

    ) as a


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