SSRS Deployment Question - AD Group Based Parameter

  • Hi,

    I have developed a number of reports for my business and need to deploy them in a certain manner.

    We have 200+ stores and each store needs to see the same report but containing that store data only.

    The data has a Store ID within. We cannot allow store 123 for example to view store 67's data.

    All users from each store are within an AD group for their store such as Store123.

    I want the end user to be able to run the report and for only their store data to be shown. I may be reading the books wrong but it seems like i have to deploy 200 copies of the report in 200 folders with custom parameters and then give the AD group permissions to view that folder.

    Is there a quicker way of doing this?

    Kind Regards,

    Matt Riley

  • Hi,

    Have to tried the approach of limiting the user access to the parameters. Please check the article below:

    user-based parameter access



  • Latha,

    Perfect, Thank you very much for your suggestion, that will work fine.


  • Cool! Please let me know if you find any other solution.



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