Repeated failed logins

  • For the last few days I've been having a logon failure appear in the security eventlog on my db server. The attempts have been occurring like clockwork every 29 minutes.

    I managed to trace the failure back to one of my SQL server instances but still haven't been able to work out what is generating the logon attempt.

    Here is the latest eventlog entry.

    Event Type: Failure Audit

    Event Source: Security

    Event Category: Logon/Logoff

    Event ID: 529

    Date: 3/6/2009

    Time: 10:29:00 AM


    Computer: DBServer


    Logon Failure:

    Reason: Unknown user name or bad password

    User Name:


    Logon Type: 3

    Logon Process: Authz

    Authentication Package: Kerberos

    Workstation Name: DBServer

    Caller User Name: MyLocalAdminLogin

    Caller Domain: MyDomain

    Caller Logon ID: (0x0,0x1B11086B)

    Caller Process ID: 6364

    Transited Services: -

    Source Network Address: -

    Source Port: -

    I've checked the error logs for the database and the application eventlog and there are no coinciding entries.

    Even restarting the database services didn't cause the attempts to skip a beat.

    It doesn't seem like an external threat and there isn't anyone in my office who would be capable of an attack like this.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

  • Since this is coming every 29 minutes without fail, I have a feeling that there is some monitoring service set up. Maybe MOM or some other software. This scheduled to run every 30 min or so. The user that was set up to do the monitoring might have been disabled or deleted

    That could be why you are seeing this in the Event log.


  • Thanks for the idea. I hadn't thought about that vector.

    I tried disabling the monitoring software (SQL SPY 6) and it did not have an effect the failures are still appearing.

    Thanks again

  • This is probably a network login. Maybe MOM or Altris or some other software like that.


  • You were right. After doing a couple packet captures I managed to sort out where the attempt was coming from.

    Management decided to outsource our exchange server administration and they failed to see a need to notify that they installed monitoring software, or configure it properly for that matter.

    Thanks again for your help!

  • You are welcome and I am glad you sorted it out.


  • What did you use for monitoring packets.........on sql by the way.

  • It wasn't so much monitoring as it was capture. I used WireShark on the server to capture packets during the time frame I expected the next failed logon to occur. That was where I found the kerberos unknown client failure packet and it provided me with the originating IP address.

  • Thanks for sharing.........

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