left outer join needed?

  • I have a small question, probably a silly one.. When we join 2 tables using left join like below:

    select t1.*

    from table1 as t1

    left outer join table2 as t2

    on t2.id = t1.id

    Here, it will select all the rows of table1. Unless I am selecting any fields from table2, is there any need to do this left join at all? In what cases, left join is useful if we are not selecting anything from table2?

  • If u want all the records from table 1 whether it does match or doesn't match with table2, Then u consider left outer join or right outer join. But if u want only matching records between both tables then use inner join.

    In your example you are not showing any records of table 2, but if u want to show each and every record of table 1 then apply left outer join.

  • If I dont want any fields from table2 then left join doesn't make a difference here, right?

  • /*

    This example will clear your doubts.


    ---Creating tables



    Id INT,

    FName VARCHAR(1)




    Id INT,

    FName VARCHAR(1)


    --Insert records to table

    INSERT INTO tbl1


    INSERT INTO tbl1


    INSERT INTO tbl1


    INSERT INTO tbl1


    INSERT INTO tbl2


    INSERT INTO tbl2


    --Inner join will return only matching records i.e. t1.Id = t2.Id

    SELECT t1.*

    FROM tbl1 t1

    INNER JOIN tbl2 t2

    ON t1.Id = t2.Id

    --Left outer join will return all the records of t1

    SELECT t1.*

    FROM tbl1 t1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl2 t2

    ON t1.Id = t2.Id

  • gyessql (7/29/2009)

    If I dont want any fields from table2 then left join doesn't make a difference here, right?

    Wrong. If the tables are in a one-to-one relationship then a left outer join will not make a difference. The same is true if table1 is on the many side of a one-to-many relationship, but if table 2 is on the many side of the one-to-many relationship, then you will get "duplicates" in your results that you would not get without a join.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Ok got it. Hadn't thought of the one-to-many relationship scenario. Thank you very much Drew.

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