Display date in DD/MM/YYYY HH:MI:SS:MMMAM

  • Hi,

    I', writing a query as below and I want to display the time in format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MI:SS:MMMAM

    Right now, I'm getting only the date without time as below:

    select * from Mydb.dbo.users

    where propertyid =12

    and a.objectid = b.objectid

    and value between '1/1/2010' and '1/10/2010'

    ObjectID Value ValueSTD

    12 01/1/2010 1/1/2010

    12 01/1/2010 01/1/2010

    12 01/2/2010 1/2/2010

    12 01/2/2010 01/2/2010

    12 01/3/2010 01/3/2010

    12 01/4/2010 01/4/2010

    What should Add to my query to get the date DD/MM/YYYY HH:MI:SS:MMMAM

  • rambilla4 (1/22/2010)


    I', writing a query as below and I want to display the time in format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MI:SS:MMMAM

    Right now, I'm getting only the date without time as below:

    select * from Mydb.dbo.users

    where propertyid =12

    and a.objectid = b.objectid

    and value between '1/1/2010' and '1/10/2010'

    ObjectID Value ValueSTD

    12 01/1/2010 1/1/2010

    12 01/1/2010 01/1/2010

    12 01/2/2010 1/2/2010

    12 01/2/2010 01/2/2010

    12 01/3/2010 01/3/2010

    12 01/4/2010 01/4/2010

    What should Add to my query to get the date DD/MM/YYYY HH:MI:SS:MMMAM

    Is the above query your actual query or just a simplified one? Can you provide the DDL (CREATE TABLE statment) for the table?

  • This should be what you are looking for



    You could try something like this

    select a.object_id, convert(varchar(25), a.value, 131)

    from Mydb.dbo.users

    You can get a list of of the Formats in BOL under CAST and CONVERT or by searching the web for SQL Server Date Formats


  • Sorry, I overlooked that, that format is apparently a Kuwait Standard format, and although the format is how you want it, the date itself does not come out the same.

    When I ran it with Getdate() it came out as 7/02/1431 3:57:09:987PM


  • This is in H24 instead of AM, but maybe this will help.

    SELECT (CONVERT( VARCHAR(25), getdate(),103) + ' ' + Convert(VARCHAR(25), getdate(), 114))


  • This will do it...


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