Change look of resultset ... pivot?

  • Is it possibly to simply pivot to change the way a result set looks? In by that, I have two columns … ServerName and Environment. Basically I want the environment to be my column headers, per environment type, with their corresponding servernames displayed underneath.




    FROM [ServerAudit_DriveUsage_vw]

    ORDER BY 2

    Is such a thing possible? Is Pivot the right operation to be looking at?


  • Can you send me some sample records and your table structure.

    And whats your expected result.

  • Here is an example ...

    DECLARE @ServerNames TABLE


    [ServerName] VARCHAR(50)

    ,[Environment] VARCHAR(50)


    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('ProdServer1','PROD')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('ProdServer21','PROD')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('ProdServer3','PROD')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('ProdServer4','PROD')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('QAServer1','QA')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('QAServer2','QA')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('QAServer3','QA')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('QAServer4','QA')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('DEVServer1','DEV')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('DEVServer2','DEV')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('DEVServer3','DEV')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('DEVServer4','DEV')

    SELECT * FROM @ServerNames

    I want to turn the environment column in the header ... so in this case, there would be 3 column headers - PROD, QA, DEV. Each of which would just show the servers that belong to that environment.


    ProdServer1 QAServer1 DEVServer1

    ProdServer2 QAServer2 DEVServer2

    ProdServer3 QAServer3 DEVServer3

    ProdServer4 QAServer4 DEVServer4

    Is something like this possible?

  • Shameless bump ... I tried a pivot, didn't get what I was looking for.

    Is what I'm attempting to do possible?

    Thanks all

  • Hi,

    You can;t do this with PIVOT table. You need to define the mapping table between the environemnts then only you can do this.

    Thanks -- Vj

  • Ugly but it does what you want 😉

    DECLARE @ServerNames TABLE


    [ServerName] VARCHAR(50)

    ,[Environment] VARCHAR(50)


    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('ProdServer1','PROD')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('ProdServer21','PROD')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('ProdServer3','PROD')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('ProdServer4','PROD')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('QAServer1','QA')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('QAServer2','QA')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('QAServer3','QA')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('QAServer4','QA')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('DEVServer1','DEV')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('DEVServer2','DEV')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('DEVServer3','DEV')

    INSERT INTO @ServerNames ([ServerName],[Environment]) VALUES ('DEVServer4','DEV')

    SELECT [PROD], [QA], [DEV]

    FROM (

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Environment ORDER BY ServerName) n, * FROM @ServerNames

    ) a

    PIVOT ( min(ServerName) FOR Environment IN ([PROD], [QA], [DEV]) ) b

    * Noel

  • Nice! Thank you.

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