SSRS Matrix Grand Total Conditional Hiding

  • Hi Friends

    I am facing some problem with Matrix Grand total Hiding.

    I have matrix in my report.

    mar apr Tot

    water 1 10 23 34

    2 23 0 25

    3 1 1 5

    Total 34 24 64

    what i want here

    I want to show 24 in red colour that means total Value is less than 20 ,it has to be showed in red colour.

    Can anybody help me ,its very urgent to me.


  • Most likely you will want to put a conditional expression in the BackgroundColor property of the matrix cell, which tests both the value in the cell and whether it is currently being rendered in the subtotal row.

    However, you were not completely clear in your example - you seemed to indicate you wanted to show the number 24 in red because it was less than 20?

  • Hi

    I already tried ,but i am getting all rows in table which are less than 30.

    i want to show only in grand total field,not total field and detail coulmn field.

    and grand total field is not letting me to see properties.

    Please let m eknow if you can not understand.

  • This is the table i got.Here report has 2 20's.What i want ,in grand total column i want to show in red colour.

    TemP IDS 2009 2008 Total

    Pr1 10 23 33

    Pr2 10 20 34

    Grand Total 20 43 67

    I hope it makes sense.

    Plaese help me if any one knows

  • Try the following expression in the BackgroundColor property of the matrix cell:

    =IIF(Not(InScope("matrix1_rowCategory")) And Sum(Fields!cellvalue.Value) <= 20, "Red", Nothing)

    where matrix1_rowCategory is the name of your matrix's row category, and cellvalue is the data field.

  • Thanks Friend

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