strange requiremnt to correct the float values in a db

  • create table test_check


    [orderID] int not null,

    [rate] float not null


    insert into test_check values(1,0.024) --return 2.4

    insert into test_check values(2,0.00024)--return 2.4

    insert into test_check values(3,0.00000024) --return 2.4

    insert into test_check values(4,0.00000024)--return 2.4

    insert into test_check values(5,0.0024) --return 2.4

    insert into test_check values(6,2.443E-14) --return 2.443

    insert into test_check values(7,5.8) --return 5.8

    insert into test_check values(8,10.44) --return 10.44

    I have data stored in my table in the foll:manner.There was a bug in the front end app, and so data has got inserted like this.

    My requirement now is to update all these values in the rate field to the new value mentioned.

    I think the flow is like if

    after the decimal point there is 0 - divide by 100

    000 - divide by 10000

    00000 - divide by 1000000

    But after the decimal point if there is 00 - divide by 10000

    0000 - divide by 1000000

    Don't really know how to go about it..also should I be using a cursor to update each record?

    Would be grateful if somebody could shed some light

  • are you looking for something like this:

    select orderid, rate,


    When rate > 1 then rate

    When rate > 0.1 then rate * 10

    When rate > 0.01 then rate * 100

    When rate > 0.001 then rate * 1000

    When rate > 0.0001 then rate * 10000

    When rate > 0.00001 then rate * 100000

    When rate > 0.000001 then rate * 1000000

    When rate > 0.0000001 then rate * 10000000

    When rate > 0.00000001 then rate * 100000000

    When rate > 0.0000000001 then rate * 100000000

    When rate > 0.00000000001 then rate * 1000000000

    When rate > 0.000000000001 then rate * 10000000000

    When rate > 0.0000000000001 then rate * 100000000000

    When rate > 0.00000000000001 then rate * 100000000000000


    from test_check

    this sounds like homework

  • Thank you so much!!

    But I was looking for some way in which I needn't have to write so many case stmts For eg:if the value in the table was 2.443E -21

    It becomes difficult, when the values in the table can go upto that limit..

    CAn we write using loop stmts or something..I remember writing in C things like this back in school,but not sure abt it in sql

  • Thank you so much!!

    But I was looking for some way in which I needn't have to write so many case stmts For eg:if the value in the table was 2.443E -21

    It becomes difficult, when the values in the table can go upto that limit..

    CAn we write using loop stmts or something..I remember writing in C things like this back in school,but not sure abt it in sql

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