Blog Post

Not Attending/Presenting at SQL Connections


Given everything that has happened in the last couple of weeks, this is not surprising to those who have kept up with my family's most recent struggle. I had one more big decision to make from a professional side of things and that was whether or not to still attend and present at SQL Connections. With Kimberly's physical recovery time being at least two weeks, that was an easy decision to make. I will be staying at home, tending to my beloved bride, as she heals physically. The emotional healing for both of us is going to take much longer, but the warmth and love from our family, friends, church, and the wonderful SQL Server community has helped that process tremendously. Many of your comments have brought tears to our eyes as we have read them. Thank you.

One of the reasons I love our SQL Server community is because of the caring I've seen within it. It transcends a common love for a particular technology to manifest itself in compassion and caring for one another. And that makes me very glad and very humble to be a part of it. We have a truly great and wonderful community.


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