Getting Started with RS - Absolute Newbie

  • I've looked for "intro" articles, and thought JumpstartTV might have something, but no luck yet.

    Any suggestions for where to get started so I can convert my 3 simple queries into reports in the next day or 2 ?

    We have RS2005 installed on a server. I thought I could open it up, right click "New Report" and start stumbling through, but I don't see how to get started.


  • You didn't state which version, but when I started, I found this book a great help Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Step by Step (Microsoft Press)


  • You design reports using Business Intelligence Design Studio (BIDS) which is included in the SQL Server 2005/8 client tools install, or if you already have VS 2005 installed it adds the Business Intelligence Projects section and you can select Report Server Project or Report Server Project Wizard. The first one gets you an empty report, the second walks you through wizard that creates the report for you.

    Here's a link to Creating a Basic Report Tutorial in BOL.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Jack Corbett (7/15/2009)

    You design reports using Business Intelligence Design Studio (BIDS) which is included in the SQL Server 2005/8 client tools install, or if you already have VS 2005 installed it adds the Business Intelligence Projects section and you can select Report Server Project or Report Server Project Wizard. The first one gets you an empty report, the second walks you through wizard that creates the report for you.

    Here's a link to Creating a Basic Report Tutorial in BOL.

    Thanks ! I'm up and running now. (At a very basic level) Got a report working by calling a stored procedure, then having the report do the subtotaling. Next I'll want to figure out how to put in parameters.

  • See if you can get Safari Books Online...great help to us!

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