SQL 2005 Replication, mirroring etc

  • Could someone help me in finding some down to earth instructions for replication or mirroring. I can never seem to get off the grouind with it, or am I just stupid!!!

  • There are wizards for both of these. If you have having issues, post a question on the specific issue. These are used for very different technologies used for different things.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (9/15/2008)

    There are wizards for both of these. If you have having issues, post a question on the specific issue. These are used for very different technologies used for different things.


    As Steve has already highlighted, if you have a specific problem, just post. Otherwise, outline what you are trying to achive and someone is more than sure to provide insight into best way forward.

    Thank you,

    Phillip Cox

  • Thanks for your patience...I am new to this so If I get things wrong I apologise

  • Trust me, this stuff can be difficult so, don't feel bad. I really would recommend that you read up on both of these items in BOL as they are complicated and getting a foundational understanding of what the components are and how they function within the solution is critical.

    As the others stated, post back with specific questions but read Books Online as well.



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

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