create new column and load data from existing columns

  • Hi,

    I want to create 3 new columns from existing columns

    For example

    I want to have new columns based on int_bckt_1, char-bckt-2 and char_bckt_3

    int_bckt_1= raw score (new column)

    char_bckt_2= Pref ( new column)

    int_bckt_2= Scaled score ( new column)

    Raw score, pref and sacled score columns are new. in the attachment i just showed how i want the data

    The data is populated based on these columns int_bckt_1, char_bckt_2,int_bckt_2

    The rule is - i need to populate the data based on sub test id and char-bckt_2. we need to consider sub test id=200

    for english

    sub test id=200 and char_back_2 =T and subject is english then i need to populate data for all subtest id 500 and subject =english

    similar for Perf and Raw score

    For Math

    sub test id=200 and char_back_2 =T and subject is Math then i need to populate data for all subtestid 500 and subject =Math

    i want to do samething for char_bckt_2 =TR too. basically i want to for allsubtest id= 200 TR has no value in 500 level right now.

    I herewith attached my excel sheet for more clear

    Raw score, Pref, Scaled score these column is not there in the table i need to have and populate data based on rule

    Could you please help me andplease let meknow if you need more info.



  • Please read the first article I reference below regarding asking for help.

    Ut would greatly help us in helping you if you would post the DDL for your table, sample data in a readily consumable format (sorry, I don't have time to convert your data in the Excel spreedsheet into a format I can use), as well as providing us with the expected results so we have something to compare to our results.

    Doing this, you will get better responses plus tested code.

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