Recursive Querry to get all Childs

  • Hi ,

    I have a table which has parent child relation ship. I need to build a stored procedure which accepts a Parameter 'pid' and returns all the childs for that ParentID.


    declare @t1 table (id int,pid int,s varchar(100))

    insert into @t1 values (1,0,'Solid')

    insert into @t1 values (2,0,'Liquid')

    insert into @t1 values (3,0,'Gas')

    insert into @t1 values (4,1,'Brick')

    insert into @t1 values (5,1,'Stone')

    insert into @t1 values (6,2,'Water')

    insert into @t1 values (7,2,'Milk')

    insert into @t1 values (8,3,'Oxygen')

    insert into @t1 values (9,3,'Air')

    insert into @t1 values (10,6,'Hot Water')

    insert into @t1 values (11,6,'Cold Water')

    select * from @t1


    Expected output if 'pid' passed is 2






    Hot Water

    Cold Water


  • Hope this gets you started in the right direction. All I did was mimic the sample code from BOL (Books Online).

    create table #t1 (id int,pid int,s varchar(100))

    insert into #t1 values (1,0,'Solid')

    insert into #t1 values (2,0,'Liquid')

    insert into #t1 values (3,0,'Gas')

    insert into #t1 values (4,1,'Brick')

    insert into #t1 values (5,1,'Stone')

    insert into #t1 values (6,2,'Water')

    insert into #t1 values (7,2,'Milk')

    insert into #t1 values (8,3,'Oxygen')

    insert into #t1 values (9,3,'Air')

    insert into #t1 values (10,6,'Hot Water')

    insert into #t1 values (11,6,'Cold Water');

    select * from #t1;

    with ChildRecs (id, pid, s) as (

    select id, pid, s

    from #t1

    where pid = 0 and id = 2

    union all

    select,, t.s

    from #t1 t inner join ChildRecs cr on =


    select s from ChildRecs;

    drop table #t1;

  • Thanks :w00t: thats what i needed

    Is this magic of recursion ?

    I will be very thankful if you give a brief idea of that query.

    Thanks again.

  • descentflower (8/12/2009)

    Thanks :w00t: thats what i needed

    Is this magic of recursion ?

    I will be very thankful if you give a brief idea of that query.

    Thanks again.

    Read about Recursive CTE's in BOL. That is a good place to start.

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