Upgrading SQL 2000 and Windows 2003 to SQL 2008 and Windows 2008 at once on same box

  • Hi,

    We have an older Windows 2003 Server running SQL Server 2000, and the box is still robust enough to run Windows Server 2008 so we'd like to upgrade it. This same box also runs SQL Server 2000 with some production applications, so I'm researching the best path to upgrade.

    I know SQL Server 2000 has problems running on Windows Server 2008, so we're working on migrating our DTS packages to SSIS on a secondary server and I'm also about to start working on migrating our reports, which were created in VS 2002, to VS 2008 as well.

    Thus far my plan is to install an Instance of SQL Server 2008 on the box and start migrating everything over. Then when things are tested and seem to be working as they should, move our user applications to use the SQL 2008 instance and uninstall SQL 2000 from the box... then with scheduled downtime upgrade the server OS from Windows Server 2003 to 2008.

    Is this feasible? Will upgrading the OS affect SQL Server? Also if we were to move from 32-bit Windows Server 2003 to 64-bit Windows Server 2008 would that break anything -- or is that even possible? That's actually in the hands of the network guys, but I thought I'd ask none the less.

    Thanks for any advise or comments from those who have traveled down a similar path.

    Take care -


  • there sound like a lot of potential gotchas in there. Don't start unless you are sure they are all ironed out.

    First question is is there an upgrade path from windows 2003 32 bit to windows 2008 64bit. If there is not you will need to wipe the C drive and reinstall the OS, and that means a reinstall of SQL.


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