Parameter list not updated

  • I have a report that has 2 parameters for the user to select, the first is division, the second is team within the selected division. Division is filled by a select statement to the db and has a default value. Team is filled by using the output of the division, then selects from the db based on that division. The problem is after filling in division, the report doesnt refresh the team selection and simply shows the divisions' default teams. After clicking View Report though, the team parameter is refreshed to the be the accurate list. I am using Visual Studio 2005 and creating an .rdl. Any help you can provide is most appreciated.

    This is the team selection. I am parsing the division and team output because its multivalued.

    select * from db.Teams

    where DivisionID in

    (select * from dbo.rpt_parse_string_sort1(?,','))

  • This works when I add a dateparm that gets todays date. The team parameter list is refreshed when I add that dateparm.

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