Cluster Change

  • I have an Active - Passive Cluster running SQL database on it right now. We need to turn this to an Active Active Cluster.

    I think the way to do is to Remove Passive Node of the group, Install SQL Server on it, assign all the requored resources and then make it part of the cluster.

    What is the best way of doing it?

    What risks are involved?

    Its a windows 2003 Server running SQL 2005 SP2 and the storage is through a iSCSI SAN.

    Any suggestions are welcome..



    "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

  • We are running the same thing you are setting up... I would do just as you are planning..

    but we have a server that that uses log shipping from our production evviroment. we fail over it to anytime we are touching our cluster environment. I have had to many instances where we have added a resource and and it has caused a problem...dont know if you have the option. but if possible I would take advantage of it...besides it a great DR plan to use a log shipping database just in case! can be to careful. we have an entry level and do not trust it 100% of the time. not should we since it just that ENTRY LEVEL.

  • Thanks for the response..i will look into the log shipping option.

    would there be a need for an additional license for the active node sql installation?



    "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

  • Hi,

    I would just install SQL on the Passive Node (without remove) and install the second instance, with no problems.

    I have it that way in my cluster, and I am also using Log Shípping.


    Jose Santiago Oyervides.

  • just a quick check when you say active/active....sql is not truly active active as Oracle is..meaning both nodes will not share the load of the production environment...although you can have one application running on node 1 and another application point to node 2. my guess this what you are trying to do..and then both nodes have a copy each other DB...

    also remember just because its clustered does not make it a DR environment that is why we are running log shipping.

    so we have a log shipping environment that we can use if the san blows up and then keep copies of the san off site as well.

    And there have been times when we have to fail over to our log shipping ...even if you have to buy a small box 2-3k and just have it sitting....just to get you through the Disaster when it happens....because it will happen

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