line chart intervals

  • I have a line chart that has 6 series. One series called "Scan" has data in the millions, while the rest are in the thousands. I've attached a picture of it. How can i display all the 5 lines while still being able to show "Scan"? I tried changing the Y Axis Major and Minor Intervals to 1000, but it still display the same.

  • You should be able to enable scale breaks.

    Go to your Axis properties, and choose 'Enable scale breaks' under Axis options.



  • According to msdn, here are the instructions to enable it, but i cant find it????

    To enable scale breaks on the chart

    Right-click the value axis and then click Axis Properties. The Axis Properties dialog box opens.

    Select the Enable scale breaks check box.

  • I should have asked which version you were using...Sorry...

    Those instructions are for 2008. I'm not certain if that exists in 2005. I'll check.

  • i have 2005

  • That feature is new in 2008...

    One thing you can try...Check the 'Logarithmic scale' option on the Y Axis. I made a test chart, and it does display the lines...


  • thanks bill. that should work for now

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