Merge rows

  • I want to merge records from table B to table A.

    From Table B I want to select the max values and if that value is higher than the value in table A I want to update that column in table A.

    I have written some SQL, but somehow the record in table A is NOT updated even though the values of all columns in table B are higher!

    Here's my SQL:

    UPDATE prospects SET companyname=(select case when srcTbl.companyname is NULL then targetTbl.companyname when srcTbl.companyname > targetTbl.companyname then srcTbl.companyname else targetTbl.companyname end as test)

    ,freedate1=(select case when srcTbl.freedate1 is NULL then targetTbl.freedate1 when srcTbl.freedate1 > targetTbl.freedate1 then srcTbl.freedate1 else targetTbl.freedate1 end as test)

    ,freeint1=(select case when srcTbl.freeint1 is NULL then targetTbl.freeint1 when srcTbl.freeint1 > targetTbl.freeint1 then srcTbl.freeint1 else targetTbl.freeint1 end as test)

    from prospects as targetTbl


    (select companyname,max(freedate1) as freedate1,max(freeint1) as freeint1

    from prospects_copy group by companyname)srcTbl

    on srcTbl.companyname=targetTbl.companyname

    What am I doinhg wrong?

  • You don't need the subqueries in your SET clause. You've already JOINED those values to get the maximums. Try as shown below.

    By the way, if you are joining on company name, how are you ever going to update the rows in the source table that have company name = NULL (or when the source company name is greater than the target company name). ??? I'm not sure that plan was well thought out.

    UPDATE targetTbl



    ---when srcTbl.companyname is NULL then targetTbl.companyname

    ---when srcTbl.companyname > targetTbl.companyname then srcTbl.companyname

    ---else targetTbl.companyname end,


    when srcTbl.freedate1 is NULL then targetTbl.freedate1

    when srcTbl.freedate1 > targetTbl.freedate1 then srcTbl.freedate1

    else targetTbl.freedate1 end,


    when srcTbl.freeint1 is NULL then targetTbl.freeint1

    when srcTbl.freeint1 > targetTbl.freeint1 then srcTbl.freeint1

    else targetTbl.freeint1 end

    from prospects as targetTbl


    (select companyname,max(freedate1) as freedate1,max(freeint1) as freeint1

    from prospects_copy

    group by companyname) srcTbl on srcTbl.companyname=targetTbl.companyname


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Not sure if I fully understood the requirements, but...

    DECLARE @Source

    TABLE (

    companyname VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,

    freedate DATETIME NOT NULL,

    freeint INTEGER NOT NULL


    DECLARE @Target

    TABLE (

    companyname VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,

    freedate DATETIME NOT NULL,

    freeint INTEGER NOT NULL


    INSERT @Source

    (companyname, freedate, freeint)

    SELECT 'a1', '2001-07-01', 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'b1', '2002-07-01', 20;

    INSERT @Target

    (companyname, freedate, freeint)

    SELECT 'a1', '2001-01-31', 12 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'a1', '2001-12-31', 11 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'b1', '2002-01-31', 19 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'b1', '2002-06-30', 21;


    SET freedate = DT.max_freedate,

    freeint = DT.max_freeint

    FROM @Source S

    JOIN (

    SELECT -- Maximum column value from either table

    -- grouped by company name


    max_freedate = MAX(freedate),

    max_freeint = MAX(freeint)

    FROM (

    -- Union source and target

    SELECT companyname, freedate, freeint

    FROM @Source S


    SELECT companyname, freedate, freeint

    FROM @Target T

    ) X



    ) DT

    -- Update join condition

    ON DT.companyname = S.companyname;

    SELECT companyname,



    FROM @Source;


    companyname freedate freeint

    a1 2001-12-31 12

    b1 2002-07-01 21

  • Both queries you provided dont seem to work 🙁

    In table "prospects" the value of columns freedate1 and freeint1 are both NULL

    In table "prospects_copy" the value of columns freedate1 is "2011-02-01 00:00:00.000" and freeint1 is "6"

    After executing the queries, the values in prospects are still NULL...

    @The Dixie Flatline:

    Companyname can never be NULL in my case. I have a separate query that inserts new records if the company does not exist yet. What im trying here is purely to identity duplicate records and merging those into a fully enriched single record in the prospects table.

    @paul-2 White NZ:

    here's the query I executed:


    SET freedate1 = DT.max_freedate,

    freeint1 = DT.max_freeint

    FROM prospects_copy S

    JOIN (

    SELECT -- Maximum column value from either table

    -- grouped by company name


    max_freedate = MAX(freedate1),

    max_freeint = MAX(freeint1)

    FROM (

    -- Union source and target

    SELECT companyname, freedate1, freeint1

    FROM prospects_copy S


    SELECT companyname, freedate1, freeint1

    FROM prospects T

    ) X



    ) DT

    -- Update join condition

    ON DT.companyname = S.companyname;

  • petervdkerk (3/23/2010)

    After executing the queries, the values in prospects are still NULL...

    Not a massive surprise, since you are updating the prospects_copy table with my code.

    I provided the code as a demonstration, not as a copy-and-paste solution.

  • You're right, switched the 2 tables and now it does work 🙂

    So, even maybe if you didnt fully mean to, it IS a copy paste solution 🙂


  • Your original was a little confused with respect to the source and the target table. I assume you wanted the target table to be the table updated, and the source to be the table from which the updates come.

    declare @prospects table (companyname varchar(50) primary key, freedate1 datetime, freeint1 int)

    declare @prospects_copy table (companyname varchar(50) primary key, freedate1 datetime, freeint1 int)

    insert into @prospects

    select 'Company A', null, null union all

    select 'Company B', '1/1/2008', 100 union all

    select 'Company C', '1/1/2010', 200

    insert into @prospects_copy

    select 'Company A', '1/1/2009', 150 union all

    select 'Company B', '1/1/2009', 150 union all

    select 'Company C', '1/1/2010', 150

    UPDATE targetTbl



    when targetTbl.freedate1 is NULL then srcTbl.freedate1

    when srcTbl.freedate1 > targetTbl.freedate1 then srcTbl.freedate1

    else targetTbl.freedate1 end,


    when targetTbl.freeint1 is NULL then srcTbl.freeint1

    when srcTbl.freeint1 > targetTbl.freeint1 then srcTbl.freeint1

    else targetTbl.freeint1 end

    from @prospects as targetTbl


    (select companyname,max(freedate1) as freedate1,max(freeint1) as freeint1

    from @prospects_copy

    group by companyname) srcTbl on srcTbl.companyname=targetTbl.companyname

    Select * from @prospects


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • petervdkerk (3/23/2010)

    You're right, switched the 2 tables and now it does work 🙂

    So, even maybe if you didnt fully mean to, it IS a copy paste solution 🙂 Thanks!

    Glad it worked out for you 🙂

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