CTE in select Statement

  • Hi

    I have a situation like below.

    With CTE


    Select * from a1

    inner join a2


    Select * from cte.

    What i want here that i will need to place another CTE in place of a2 table.

    is it possible?

    Let me know if you need more information.

    any help would be appreciated...


  • Something like

    With CTE as


    Select a2.* from a1

    inner join a2

    on a1.col=a2.col


    CTE2 as


    Select a4.* from a3

    inner join a4

    on a3.col=a4.col),

    CTE3 as


    Select a5.* from CTE1

    inner join a5

    on CTE1.col=a5.col


    Select cte3.* from cte

    inner join CTE3

    on cte.col=cte3.col

    As you can see, you can even reference one cte within another cte.

    All separate CTEs would be treated as subqueries, just easier to write... 😉

    It's also possible to use recursive CTEs. For details, please see BOL (BooksOnLine).

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  • Thank you vey much for your time...

    I will modify my code as you mentioned format.

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