Latency report similar to replication monitor

  • Is there a way to only Reinitialize subscription for only two articles in subscription? instead of reinitializing and create snapshot of the whole thing?

  • To achieve this i would create multiple publications for articles of same DB that way can limit number of atricles to be reinitilize rather than whole thing


  • Hi Sanjiv,

    You will be creating many combinations (all possible combination) to create many publications for the articles. This would cause too much load on every piece of the replication. Could you elaborate ur thought?


  • Hi Lk,

    I created 4 publications. 1 for table's with 1 Million or more records, 1 for table's with 500,000 to 999,999 records, 1 for table's with 0 to 499,999 records and one for all the table's which have filter criteria.

    In this way i am able to manage the changes effectively without generating the complete snapshot of the whole database.

    It may not be a good technique for small database but it has been very effective while working on VLDB

    It took me some time to stabilize but once it was stabilized then i was able to reduce my efforts to half as now I mostly work with 1/4th of the database.

    I have Dell - R series for publisher, distributor and subscriber. It has reduced the total load on the replication and latency token has not crossed 0.4 sec for any of the publication.


  • Seems to b a nice technique.

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