Loop through Linked servers

  • Hi All,

    I have multiple daily requests where I need to fetch data using a same set of query on around 30 servers. To simplify it a bit I have setup linked servers for all 30 servers on a single server but I still need to replace the server name & database name every time to fetch the output & this eats a lot of my time. I was wondering if I can loop through the servers & fetch data set from each server & put it in a temp table & finally extract the collated data in one shot. Also each server has either db1 or db2 only.

    To summarize it here is my problem set:-

    linkserver array ={linkserver1 , linkserver2, linkserver3,.....,linserver30}

    While not end of linkserver array

    if it linkserver contains db1 then

    fetch data from db1 of this server & put it in temp table


    fetch data from db2 of this server & put it in temp table



    display data from temp table

    I hope I have made it readable :ermm:



    -- Ravinder Pal

  • One option is to get SQL Server 2008 developer edition and use the ability in SSMS to run the same query against multiple servers at once. See this article.

    Something like this would work:

    DECLARE @server_name sysname,

    @sql NVARCHAR(4000),

    @select NVARCHAR(500),

    @from NVARCHAR(100)

    SET @select = N'Select * from '

    SET @from = N'.schema_name.table_name Where criteria'





    sys.servers AS S


    S.is_linked = 1

    OPEN c_Servers





    SET @sql = @select + @server_name + @from





    CLOSE c_Servers

    DEALLOCATE c_Servers

    This is one of the few instances where I'd use a cursor. Make sure to watch for R. Barry Young's series on eliminating cursors though because he may provide a better way.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • wouldn't it be four-part naming convention?

    i.e. SET @from = N'.database_name.schema_name.table_name Where criteria'

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • tosscrosby (4/23/2009)

    wouldn't it be four-part naming convention?

    i.e. SET @from = N'.database_name.schema_name.table_name Where criteria'

    Yup. Nice catch. I totally braincramped on that one.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Jack Corbett (4/23/2009)

    tosscrosby (4/23/2009)

    wouldn't it be four-part naming convention?

    i.e. SET @from = N'.database_name.schema_name.table_name Where criteria'

    Yup. Nice catch. I totally braincramped on that one.

    First time for everything I guess! 😉

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • Instead of doing this through a SQL query run through SSMS - I would use a combination of powershell and sqlcmd.


    PS> $servers = get-content c:\temp\servers.txt

    PS> $servers | % {sqlcmd -S $_ -E -Q "SELECT ... FROM database.schema.object WHERE criteria"}

    You should be able to expand on this very easily.

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • Oh no! Not Powershell! I have enough trouble with T-SQL. 😀


    Seriously, what have you used for resources to learn powershell?

    I honestly think the best way to something like this is to shell out the $ (I think it's only like $50 U.S.) for SQL Server 2008 developer edition and use SSMS 2008 to run the multi-server query.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Resources to learn powershell - well, let's see...there's that thing called google...that thing called my time...and I just sort of put them together.

    Yep, nothing but my time (well, actually the companies - but we aren't telling them that).

    The problem with using SSMS and a multi-server query is how do you get the results into a single location for reporting? You can't use an insert into so you would have to export the results from SSMS somehow and then process the results.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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  • Oh man, I was hoping for some kind of, this book was great I highly recommend it answer. Although I'm with Brent Ozar on this one. Not super interested in learning Powershell beyond understanding it when I see it.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Jack Corbett (4/23/2009)

    Oh man, I was hoping for some kind of, this book was great I highly recommend it answer. Although I'm with Brent Ozar on this one. Not super interested in learning Powershell beyond understanding it when I see it.

    You know - that's about all I do know. Enough to recognize what someone else is doing and modify it so it does what I need it to.

    For the most part, I use it to query multiple servers and extract statistics to be loaded into a central repository. For example, I pull back the backup history for our systems - disk space usage and index space usage (for trending), drive space usage, etc...

    Schedule the script to run daily and we can now notify when a backup is missed or a database needs to be extended, etc...

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Cool.

    I actually did something several years ago for 7/2000 that used DMO to do that in ASP.NET 1.1.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Thanks everyone for the replies 🙂


    Wow, that is nearly what I need. Special thanks to you.

    Trying it now & just trying to figure out a way to collate the whole output in a single table.

    Also, the whole environment is on SQL Server 2005 (minus the BI tools), so can't really use BI.

    and I am sorry that I don't know anything about powershell :crying:

    -- Ravinder Pal

  • Hi All,

    I have tried and finally included temp tables to collate all the data and also added the functionality to check whether the server contains Database1 or Database2. Here is how the code goes:

    DECLARE @server_name sysname,

    @sql NVARCHAR(4000),

    @select NVARCHAR(500),

    @DB_Name NVARCHAR(50),

    @from NVARCHAR(100)

    -- Create temporary tables with same schema as per my output

    Select top 0 * into #data from vcomputer

    Select top 0 * into #DB_Check1 from msdb.sys.databases

    SET @select = N'Select top 5 * from '

    SET @from = N'.dbo.my_Table where Name like ''FL%'''

    SET @DB_name = N'.My_DB1'





    sys.servers AS S


    S.is_linked = 1

    OPEN c_Servers





    -- To check Whether Server has MY_DB1 or My_DB2

    Insert into #DB_Check EXEC('select * from ' +@server_name+ '.msdb.sys.databases where name =''MY_DB1''')

    -- Set the porper database to fetch the result

    If not exists( select * from #DB_Check)

    Set @DB_Name=N'.MY_DB1'


    Set @DB_Name=N'.MY_DB2'

    -- To empty the table for next linked server DB check

    Truncate table #DB_Check1

    SET @sql = @select + @server_name + @DB_Name + @from

    Insert into #data EXEC(@sql)




    CLOSE c_Servers

    DEALLOCATE c_Servers

    The above code works and gives me the required output. However, I was trying to simplify it a bit.

    I was trying to replace the below code block to

    -- To check Whether Server has MY_DB1 or My_DB2

    Insert into #DB_Check EXEC('select * from ' +@server_name+ '.msdb.sys.databases where name =''MY_DB1''')

    -- Set the porper database to fetch the result

    If not exists( select * from #DB_Check)

    Set @DB_Name=N'.MY_DB1'


    Set @DB_Name=N'.MY_DB2'

    to something as below, but it is throwing Syntax error near EXEC

    If Exists (EXEC('select * from ' +@server_name+ '.msdb.sys.databases where name =''MY_DB1'''))

    Set @DB_Name=N'.MY_DB1'


    Set @DB_Name=N'.MY_DB2'

    Let me know if this can be simplified.

    PS: I do not know how to post the code, the way Jack posted in this thread. I will be happy if someone can guide me on that too.

    -- Ravinder Pal

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