Transactional replication between servers in differente subdomains

  • Hi all,

    We have two servers SRV1 and SRV2 with SQL Server 2008.

    SRV1 is in domain MYDOMAIN.GROUP (full name is SRV1.MYDOMAIN.GROUP). SRV2 is in MYDOMAIN subdomain (full name is SRV2.MYSUBDOMAIN.MYDOMAIN.GROUP).

    We need to create transactional replication from SRV1 to SRV2. We need that distribution agent account will be configured with windows authentication account (with MYDOMAIN\replicationuser account).

    We test a connection from SRV1 to SRV2 creating a DB-LINK test is ok (putting SRV2.MYSUBDOMAIN.MYDOMAIN.GROUP, that is, putting COMPLETE servername; with only SRV2 as servername it does not test correctly).

    When i created a suscription putting SRV2 as suscriber i need to put complet server name as suscriber name, that is, SRV2.MYSUBDOMAIN.MYDOMAIN.GROUP. But i received the next error message:


    SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Connections through a server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported. Specify the actual server name, 'SRV2'. (Replication.Utilities)


    Somebody can help me? How we can configure transacctional replication in our environment?

    Many thanks.

  • I resolve the problem editing on publication server (SRV2) the hosts file to resolve the remoter hostname to the remote ip (Host file location is C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\)

    Many thanks.

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