What is the maximum nuber of rows a rdl file can handle?

  • I have a stored procedure the returns more than 90,000 rows. On generating the report I get some exception and report doesnt get generated.

    Is there a limit of maximum number of rows that can be handled by SSRS-2005?

  • Not that i know of, however be aware of how this would look in Excel (which wouldn't fit) or PDF, or even the time it would take to run the proc/query, get the data and pass into the users IE...

    Any reason why its 90,000 rows? How will you use this data?

    There are limits to the actual size of the rdl file but not the data itself...

  • The report shows the annual report of the sales for the company. We usually get around 65000 rows.

    Is there a possiblity of connection timeout while generating the report?

  • Yes there is, when creating the dataset there is a timeout option which by default is 30 secs, change to 0 for unlimited...

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