CLR SQL unloading and recreating Assemblies

  • Has anyone else experienced issues with SQL CLR assemblies constantly being unloaded and created? At first we had the memory pressure so SQL would unload the Assemblies, however, the developers fixed the memory leak. We are still seeing the assemblies unloaded and created multiple times throughout the day. We have these running on several servers. On one server, it is cause SQL Server to crash unexpectedly. We are guessing it has to do with CLR because this is what we have been changing. All the servers are 64 bit and SQL Server 2008.

  • I also have the same problem!

    Could anyone help us please.

    I search all around. But can not find the solution yet.

    Now, I am using SQL Server Profiler to trace that why the memory is getting leak and unload after that.

    But still can not find the solution yet.

    PS: I am using,

    - CLR(Assembly Load)

    - Errors and Warnings (ErrorLog)

    in tracing.

  • Basically from what I understand through reading several websites and talking with someone at Microsoft is that it is ok for them to unload and load. However, there are known issues with the CLR SQL and the Cumulative Updates have addressed them. I loaded CU6 and modified the memory on SQL Server to use only 5 GB instead of all that is available and we have almost eliminated the assemblies from being unloaded.

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