question regarding calculating percent in this query

  • I am trying to calculate %.

    I have this query. I have a union of databases. Right now i am only showing two but there are several. The query is pretty long.

    Right now it shows result like this

    Name Disposition Test Test1 TotalCalls

    jon save 1 1 2

    Jack save 2 4 6

    I want to show results like this

    Name Disposition Test Test1 TotalCalls Percentofcalls

    jon save 1 1 2 25%

    Jack save 2 4 6 75%

    TOTAL 8

    declare @StartDate1 datetime

    declare @EndDate1 datetime

    set @StartDate1='6/15/2009'

    set @enddate1='6/17/2009'

    select [name],disposition,sum(TCDatabase1) as test, sum(TCDatabase2)AS Test1,


    as Total_Calls




    SELECT LocalUserId as [name],disposition,

    COUNT(*) AS TCDatabase1, 0 as TCDatabase2




    CallDate BETWEEN @StartDate1 AND @EndDate1

    and disposition is null

    and disposition ='Save' AND len(callid) > 2

    GROUP BY Disposition, LocalUserId


    union all


    SELECT LocalUserId as [name],disposition,

    0 AS TCDatabase1,count(*) as TCDatabase2




    CallDate BETWEEN @StartDate1 AND @EndDate1

    and disposition ='Save' AND len(callid) > 2

    GROUP BY Disposition, LocalUserId

    ) AS rawdata

    GROUP BY Disposition, name

    ORDER BY name, Disposition

  • this is on sql2005, right ?

    Check the OVER clause in BOL. It may provide you a nice solution for your problem.

    from BOL:

    The following example shows using the OVER clause with an aggregate function in a calculated value.

    Copy Code

    USE AdventureWorks;


    SELECT SalesOrderID, ProductID, OrderQty

    ,SUM(OrderQty) OVER(PARTITION BY SalesOrderID) AS 'Total'

    ,CAST(1. * OrderQty / SUM(OrderQty) OVER(PARTITION BY SalesOrderID)

    *100 AS DECIMAL(5,2))AS 'Percent by ProductID'

    FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail

    WHERE SalesOrderID IN(43659,43664);



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  • How will i use in my query. kInd of confused. it is sql server 2005

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