proc calls must complete before next proc runs using dynamic sql

  • My problem is i have a driver table that controls what should be run as well as the associated input params. I then have a proc "usp_GenerateLeadsDriverProc" that loops through the driver table and makes the proc calls using dynamic sql because i think it's the only way. My problem is these procs are actually creating and dropping the same friggen tables. DONT ASK AND PLEASE DONT GET ME STARTED BECAUSE AT THE MOMENT REWRITTING THESE IS NOT AN OPTION. Therefore these procs need to run in sequence and one must not start till the prev completes. How can i accomplish that being i'm using dynamic sql as my driver? i wrote the wrapper driver so if there is a better way than dynamic sql i'm all ears.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[usp_GenerateLeadsDriver](

    [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [ProcessName] [varchar](200) NOT NULL,

    [ProcName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,

    [LastSuccessfulRunEndDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [PaddingCount] [int] NOT NULL,

    [ActiveFlag] [int] NOT NULL,

    [created_dt] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [updated_dt] [datetime] NOT NULL


    proc running dynamic sql

    create proc [dbo].[usp_GenerateLeadsDriverProc]


    declare @ProcessName [varchar](200),

    @ProcName [varchar](100) ,

    @LastSuccessfulRunEndDate [datetime],

    @PaddingCount int,

    @sql varchar(1000)

    select ProcessName

    , ProcName

    , LastSuccessfulRunEndDate

    , PaddingCount

    , 0 processed

    into #ProcessList

    from .dbo.usp_GenerateLeadsDriver

    where ActiveFlag = 1

    set @sql= ''

    while exists ( select top 1 * from #ProcessList where processed = 0)


    select top 1 @ProcessName = ProcessName

    , @ProcName = ProcName

    , @LastSuccessfulRunEndDate = LastSuccessfulRunEndDate

    , @PaddingCount = PaddingCount

    from #ProcessList

    where processed = 0

    set @LastSuccessfulRunEndDate = dateadd( dd, (datediff(dd, -1,@LastSuccessfulRunEndDate)),'1/1/1900')

    set @sql = 'exec '+ @ProcName + ' ''' + convert(varchar(10), @LastSuccessfulRunEndDate, 101) + ''', '+ cast(@PaddingCount as varchar(10))


    print @sql

    update #ProcessList

    set processed = 1

    where processed = 0

    and ProcessName = @ProcessName

    and ProcName = @ProcName


    drop table #ProcessList

  • i just thought of something while in bathroom. i suppose i could have each proc set a flag in some table upon sucessful completion that i can check it's value before the next proc kicks off. i'll have to create another loop that loops say 10,000 times max w a 5 second wait then have it check sed value. loop until it finds the proper value meaning the prev proc completed etc. Other ideas would be appreciated.

  • not everyone at once here. I can only handle one reply at a time.

    i fopund a way to do this using the waitfopr command however just not sure if it's the best way or not.

    create proc [dbo].[usp_GenerateLeadsDriverProc]


    declare @ProcessName [varchar](200),

    @ProcName [varchar](100) ,

    @LastSuccessfulRunEndDate [datetime],

    @PaddingCount int,

    @sql varchar(1000),

    @loopCount int,

    @loopCountUpperBound int

    select ProcessName

    , ProcName

    , LastSuccessfulRunEndDate

    , PaddingCount

    , 0 processed

    into #ProcessList

    from .dbo.usp_GenerateLeadsDriver

    where ActiveFlag = 1

    set @loopCount= 0

    set @loopCountUpperBound = 720 -- because there is a 5 second wait in the loop it will try for an hour

    set @sql= ''

    while exists ( select top 1 * from #ProcessList where processed = 0)


    select top 1 @ProcessName = ProcessName

    , @ProcName = ProcName

    , @LastSuccessfulRunEndDate = LastSuccessfulRunEndDate

    , @PaddingCount = PaddingCount

    from #ProcessList

    where processed = 0

    set @LastSuccessfulRunEndDate = dateadd( dd, (datediff(dd, -1,@LastSuccessfulRunEndDate)),'1/1/1900')

    set @sql = 'exec '+ @ProcName + ' ''' + convert(varchar(10), @LastSuccessfulRunEndDate, 101) + ''', '+ cast(@PaddingCount as varchar(10))


    --this loop will check every 5 seconds to see if the prev proc completed.

    while (@loopCount < @loopCountUpperBound)


    if exists ( SELECT *

    FROM [usp_GenerateLeadsDriver] (nolock)

    where convert(varchar(10), [LastSuccessfulRunEndDate], 101) = convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 101)

    and [ProcessName] = @ProcessName

    and [ProcName] = @ProcName



    set @loopCount = @loopCountUpperBound + 1




    set @loopCount= @loopCount + 1

    WAITFOR delay '00:00:05'


    end --end waint loop

    print @sql + ' _Completed'

    update #ProcessList

    set processed = 1

    where processed = 0

    and ProcessName = @ProcessName

    and ProcName = @ProcName

    set @loopCount= 0 --reset inner timed loop


    drop table #ProcessList

  • Why do you do that? An execute statement be it dynamic or not, will "stop" your code, so it executes only 1 thing at a time, no need to implement a wait counter, or any sort of datetime think, just use your homemade cursor, execute the procedure, and delete it from the temp table you have, then run the next one. Or am I missing something?



  • yea. if u notice the actual proc call is dynamic sql. it just kicks off and then moves on. it wont wait for completion to move on. it's dynamic sql because the sprocs to be called are table driven based on active falgs and such

    set @LastSuccessfulRunEndDate = dateadd( dd, (datediff(dd, -1,@LastSuccessfulRunEndDate)),'1/1/1900')

    set @sql = 'exec '+ @ProcName + ' ''' + convert(varchar(10), @LastSuccessfulRunEndDate, 101) + ''', '+ cast(@PaddingCount as varchar(10))


  • maybe i'm wrong. i assumed it would continue w/o waiting for proc to finish. i will have to test now to find out for sure

  • It WILL wait, until the first exec is done, to start anything else.

    EXEC ('WaitFor Delay ''0:00:02''')


    EXEC ('Select 1')


    EXEC ('WaitFor Delay ''0:00:02''')


    EXEC ('Select 2')

    Try this piece of code, you will see it waits for completion, even for Dynamic SQL.



  • damn right it does. Serious brain fart on my part. i suppose i'm over thinking. Thanks for clearing that up.........

  • No problem man,

    I betthe problem is a lot less tough to handle now!

    Have a nice one,



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