Using the results of one query as the criteria in another query

  • I have 2 tables parts and documents.

    The following query which give me the partNumbers from the parts table

    1. SELECT DISTINCT [part numbers]

    FROM parts.

    The following query gives me the id of specific documents

    2. SELECT ID

    FROM documents

    WHERE Text LIKE '%Microwave Instrumentation%'

    I'm trying to achieve the following.

    1. Use the the result of query 1 i.e.part number, to search the text column in the documents table.

    The part number will be part of a string i.e. '% part number%'

  • there's an article on something similar labeled "exotic joins" i think; if you search and read that, it can help you understand some of the less logical reasons to join tables together.

    this is something like what you are after:

    SELECT documents.ID,MySubQuery.[part numbers]

    FROM documents


    [part numbers]

    FROM parts) MySubQuery

    ON Text LIKE '%' + MySubQuery.[part numbers] + '%'


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  • Make a CTE :cool::cool::cool:

    Raunak J

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